Instagram can be a right bitch sometimes. Please tell me it's the same for you?
Instagram võib vahel korral mõrd olla. Palun öelge, et keegi teist on samas olukorras? (Eestikeelne jutu jaoks peate korralikult alla kerima, sattusin oma kirjutamisega hoogu.)
The truth is that I've been seriously putting too much thought and effort into all things Instagram, so I figured that if I type out all my thoughts on the subject, I'd get some sense into it. Hopefully this long chatty post puts me to ease for some time and I don't get that upset when I don't have something to post. Or my pictures aren't perfectly edited. Hopefully I won't be grumpy for the rest of the day when a photo of my "breakfast situation" doesn't come out that well and instead I can simply keep calm and carry on.
There's obviously days when I'm happily curating my feed, even going as far to plan pictures for days to come and following cool gals with visually pleasing feeds, screenshotting photos/poses/locations that I want to recreate for my feed and admiring the matching colours on mine. And then there's days when I doubt whether posting that photo of a coffee cup really has any meaning to it. Recently I've found myself unfollowing quite a few accounts that are the basic all-marble, all-white everything because they feel sterile and lifeless even with their hundreds of followers and likes. One day I look up to them, the other day I loathe and belittle them.
It's not an exaggeration to say that almost every other picture I've posted has created a mess of emotions and arguments in my head, leaving me distraught for the rest of the day. Alas, last week I finally realised that I just need to figure out (and keep reminding myself of) my role on Instagram. Being a blogger I want my Instagram feed to support what I do on my main platform and focusing on the vain side of things here, I want my 'gram to be as visually representative of my (life)style as possible. Which can be a bit far from reality sometimes, but I bet we're all guilty of fixing the table setting for a photo, right? (I remember a blogger confessing that not one of her selfies goes up unless it's been through three editing apps. Three!)
Asi on selles, et ma olen viimasel ajal liiga palju aega ja mõtteenergiat Instagrami peale kulutanud, nii et otsustasin selles segaduses korra loomiseks lihtsalt end tühjaks kirjutada. Loodetavasti annab see pikk patrav postitus mulle nüüd mõneks ajaks rahu ning ma ei lähe enam endast välja, kui mul juhuslikult ei ole midagi postitada. Või kui mu pildid pole ideaalselt töödeldud. Loodetavasti lõppevad ära need tusased päevad, kui halvasti välja kukkunud hommikusöögi pilt mitmeks tunniks rivist välja lööb ning ma saan hoopis asja sinnapaika visata ja rahulikult oma eluga edasi minna.
Instagram võib vahel korral mõrd olla. Palun öelge, et keegi teist on samas olukorras? (Eestikeelne jutu jaoks peate korralikult alla kerima, sattusin oma kirjutamisega hoogu.)
The truth is that I've been seriously putting too much thought and effort into all things Instagram, so I figured that if I type out all my thoughts on the subject, I'd get some sense into it. Hopefully this long chatty post puts me to ease for some time and I don't get that upset when I don't have something to post. Or my pictures aren't perfectly edited. Hopefully I won't be grumpy for the rest of the day when a photo of my "breakfast situation" doesn't come out that well and instead I can simply keep calm and carry on.
There's obviously days when I'm happily curating my feed, even going as far to plan pictures for days to come and following cool gals with visually pleasing feeds, screenshotting photos/poses/locations that I want to recreate for my feed and admiring the matching colours on mine. And then there's days when I doubt whether posting that photo of a coffee cup really has any meaning to it. Recently I've found myself unfollowing quite a few accounts that are the basic all-marble, all-white everything because they feel sterile and lifeless even with their hundreds of followers and likes. One day I look up to them, the other day I loathe and belittle them.
It's not an exaggeration to say that almost every other picture I've posted has created a mess of emotions and arguments in my head, leaving me distraught for the rest of the day. Alas, last week I finally realised that I just need to figure out (and keep reminding myself of) my role on Instagram. Being a blogger I want my Instagram feed to support what I do on my main platform and focusing on the vain side of things here, I want my 'gram to be as visually representative of my (life)style as possible. Which can be a bit far from reality sometimes, but I bet we're all guilty of fixing the table setting for a photo, right? (I remember a blogger confessing that not one of her selfies goes up unless it's been through three editing apps. Three!)
On the other hand I want to be as real, approachable, as "me" as possible, but do I have the attitude to pull it off or is it safer to hide behind a facade of generic square-shaped shots? Is it captions, smiles or photos of my favourite buildings that make the feed look like me? Here's a few examples of thoughts that have crossed my head one too many times, so you get the idea of what I mean when I say "overthinking":
- No, I can't post this otherwise totally okay photo, because I can't have two photos of me/coffee/flowers next to/on top of/diagonally of each other.
- Is this photo of ice cream a bit too blurry? I feel like it's too blurry. Is it though? Did I oversaturate it? Are the colours popping enough? Or too much?
- Will people stare if I just stand here next to this pretty bush and take a #fwis? (Correction: at least 10 #fwis's.)
- I just need a better phone. I bet all the cool Instagrammers have an iPhone/Samsung Galaxy and it does the hard work for them.
I have at least five amazing travel photos from last year still on my vsco grid, because at the time, they "didn't match my feed". I kind of really want to post them, but is posting a view of Antwerpen almost a year after I went there really trying too hard? Is this what Throwback Thursday was invented for - so we could post pictures from our personal archives when we're having a non-grammable day?
So far I've come up with a rule that if I've contemplated an Instagram photo for over five minutes, edited it back and forth, maybe even uploaded and deleted it, I give it up. If it doesn't come naturally, scrap it. A few of my favourite feeds recently are bloggers Liv Purvis (an all-time favourite) and Pandora Sykes. Olivia keeps to her colourful style with, which seems like, putting not too much thought into most of her pictures and matching them effortlessly. Pandora has an eye for cool and awesome attitude to her that ~curating a feed~ becomes unneccesary. They're reassuring examples to me that a fabulous feed isn't only flowers and coffee, with maximum highlights and low temperature. You can let an emotion slip in.
However, creating myself a nicely matching feed (I really hate the word "curated" here) that represents my personality and style, feels like an opportunity. Imagine the scenario: if one day I can show a future employer that I've done this for myself, stayed true to my voice and gathered a following to go with it, I have proof that I can do it for their brand. So again it comes down to whether I want my feed to be personal or personal-branded. I'll let you know when I've found the balance.
Muidugi on päevi, kui ma rõõmsalt oma profiili planeerin, mõtlen, mida järgmistel päevadel postitada, hakkan igasuguseid ägedaid tüdrukuid jälgima ja teen kuvatõmmiseid (lemmiksõna!) piltidest/poosidest/kohtadest, mida enda profiilil taasluua. Ja siis on päevad, kui ma kahtlen selles, kas kohvitassi pildi postitamisel on ikka mingi mõte. Viimasel ajal olen hakanud enda feedi puhastama neist kontodest, kes postitavad ebareaalselt heledaid, marmorpindu täis pilte, sest selline steriilsus ja elutus ei ole kuskilt otsast innustav. Ühel päeval imetlen selliseid kontosid, teisel jälle teen maha.
Ma ei liialda, kui ütlen, et pea iga teine pilt, mille ma postitanud olen, on mu peas tekitanud kerge emotsioonide ja poolt-vastu argumentide tormi, jättes mu terveks päevaks kahtlema. Siiski, eelmisel nädalal sain lõpuks aru, et ma pean lihtsalt paika panema (ja endale meenutama) oma rolli Instagramis. Blogijana tahan, et mu teised sotsiaalmeediakontod toetaksid n-ö põhiplatvormi ja kuna ma siin keskendun pigem ikkagi pealiskaudsele tilu-lilule (mida muud see ilu ja mood on), siis võiks ka Instagram olla silmale ilus vaadata ja esindada minu (elu)stiili. Alati ei ole kõik, mis pildile jääb muidugi täiesti tõetruu, aga usun, et pea igaüks meist on süüdi tasside-taldrikute nihutamises, et pilt parem välja näeks. (Üks eesti blogija on mäletamist mööda tunnistanud, et mitte ükski ta selfiedest ei lähe üles enne, kui see on läbi käinud kolmest töötlemisäpist. Kolmest!)
Teisalt tahaksin olla võimalikult tõeline, usutav, võimalikult "mina", aga vahel on see liiga igav ning tundub turvalisem peituda standarsete piltide fassaadi taha. Kas minu iseloom peegeldub mu profiilil läbi pildiallkirjade, naeratuse või piltide lemmikmajadest? Toon mõned näited mõtetest, mis mu pähe liialt tihti satuvad, kui asi puudutab ühe pildi postitamist Instagrami, et te saaksite aru, mida ma mõtlen "ülemõtlemise" all:
- Ei, ma ei saa postitada seda täiesti okeid pilti, sest mu feedis ei saa olla kaks pilti minust/kohvist/lilledest kõrvuti/üksteise all/diagonaalselt.
- Kas see pilt jäätisest on liiga udune? Mulle tundub, et see on liiga udune. Või kas ikka on? Kas ma panin saturationit liiga palju? Värvid paistavad ikka piisavalt silma? Või liiga palju?
- Huvitav, kas inimesed jäävad passima, kui ma siin lillelise põõsa juures oma jalgadest pilti teen?
- Tegelikult oleks kõik mu probleemid lahendatud, kui mul lihtsalt parem telefon oleks. Kõikidel ägedatel insta-tšikkidel on kindlasti iPhone või Samsung Galaxy, mis nende eest kõik raske töö ära teeb.
Mul on vsco äpis ootamas vähemalt viis päris lahedat reisipilti eelmisest aastast, sest siis, kui ma pildid tegin, ei sobinud need teiste piltidega mu profiilil kokku. Tegelikult ma väga tahaksin need postitada, aga mulle tundub, et panna üles pilt Antwerpenist aasta pärast selle pildi tegemist, on natuke liiga pealiskaudne. Kas sellepärast leiutatigi Throwback Thursday, et me saaks postitada pilte oma isiklikust arhiivist sellisel päeval kui päriselu midagi pildistamisväärset ei paku?
Pärast eelmise nädala avastust tegin enda jaoks reegli, et kui ma olen ühe pildi kallal nokitsenud üle viie minuti, võib-olla selle isegi postitanud ja maha võtnud, siis annan rahulikult alla ja jätan selle postitamata. Kui asi ei tule loomulikult, siis ei tule üldse. Mu lemmikprofiilid on blogijatel Liv Purvisel (ta on üldse mu aegade lemmikuim blogija) ja Pandora Sykesil. Olivia pildid on kõik rõõmsalt värvilised ja vähemalt tundub, et ta ei mõtle liiga palju oma piltide sobitamise peale, vaid need lihtsalt sobivda. Pandora oskab lahedaid hetki ja inimesi püüda ning tema äge iseloom ei vajagi mingi ~kureerimist~. Nemad kaks on minu jaoks rahustavad näited, et kaunil profiilil ei ole ainult viimse piirini heledaks töödeldud kohv ja lillekimbud. Mõnel emotsioonil võib ka lasta sisse lipsata.
Viimaks olen arutlenud ka selle üle, et feed, mis näeb visuaalselt mõnus välja ja mille kallal ma olen mõistuse piires vaeva näinud, on mu visiitkaart. Kujutage ette sellist olukorda: kui ma kunagi tulevikus suudan võimalikule tööandjale näidata, et ma olen enda feedi ilusti tööle pannud, jäädes samas iseendaks ja kogudes ka korraliku hulga jälgijaid, siis tõestan ma talle, et suudan seda teha ka tema brändi jaoks. Taaskord taandub kogu teema sellele, kas minu kui blogija Instagram võiks (peaks) olla pigem isiklik või luua isiklikku brändi. Annan teile teada, kui olen selle tasakaalu saavutanud.
Ütleme nii, et I FEEL YOU :D
ReplyDeleteMa vahepeal vihkan Instagrami just selle pärast! Vahepeal ma ikka mõtlen, et miks ma seda teen!!!
Ei näe su kaamera taha ja ei tea, mitu duublit sa ühest pildist teed, aga feedi järgi küll väga struggle ei tundu. Kõik sobib ja ma arvan, et kui tuju tuleb, võid vahel midagi mitte nii "turvalist" ka postitada :)
Deletewhat I can add here is, that most bloggers take their IG photos with a professional camera, and transfer them to their phone via bluetooth!
ReplyDeleteI've heard that, but it seems like too much of an overachiever to take mine on a camera, transfer to my pc and then to my phone. (Because my camera doesn't have bluetooth support...)
DeleteMind valdab täpselt sama tunne! Mõnikord pole pilti lihtsalt sellepärast pannud, et see pole piisavalt hea kvaliteediga või värvid ei sobi ja tegelikult on see nii naljakas, sest Instagram peaks olema just selline koht, kuhu laedki telefoniga tehtud äsjaseid emotsioone.
Jaa jaa jaa! Ja kui ma neid oma lemmikuid vaatan, siis neil ka alati värvid ei sobi ja kõik pole ideaalne. Aga eks igaüks ongi iseenda kõige suurem kriitik.
DeleteI sometimes get "Instagram anxiety" probably because I fear being judged! Now I just try and post what makes me happy and if others like it too then that's great! And by the way - I love your Instagram so just keep doing what you do!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your nice words! Social media is so much about finding approvement, but I guess eventually when you're happy with yourself then everyone else follows. (Hopefully literally :D)
DeleteI totally get you on this! I'm always curating my feed (though I had improved - I wouldn't put a photo next to it if the colours didn't match, I'm not that bad now hah), but sometimes I think it would be great to be able to just post a photo without having to think about when I can post it!
ReplyDeletexo April | April Everyday
I found that my feed looked nicer when I was trying less! Taking overthinking to the next level! (Y)
DeleteHi Piia! First of all, I want to start off by saying that I LOVE your Insta feed! I love that it’s fun and vibrant and just has emotion to it, if that makes sense! So many Instagrams out there lack personality but yours doesn’t and that’s why I like it so much.
ReplyDeleteI actually found myself thinking very similar thoughts a while ago because I stopped posting pics that were only meant for friends and family and wanted to make my Insta more visually pleasing, I guess. For a while I was in a rut like you because I kept re-editing, tweaking, posting, deleting pics etc because sometimes certain pics don’t blend in well with others. But then I just came to the realization that the only reason why I keep curating my feed is because I like the way all the pics look together, so it’s just like a nice photo album. I now also have a private account where I just post random pics from my everyday life. So in this way I have two outlets: one that’s for my creative/photography interested side and one that’s just meant for me! :)
Anyways, hope you don’t beat yourself up too much about this! <3
Thanks (!!!) for such a thoughtful and encouraging comment! I've actually posted a lot less on Insta after I wrote this and I kind of miss it! Who would've thought.
DeleteThanks! Hope you found something encouraging :))