The mean reds

April 16, 2010

I'm kind of busy, because I want to polish my nails, eat, make a pair of earrings, pick flowers for Liisa and I only have an hour. Today we're going to Liisa's place to have an almost girl's night. The party is themed "Really really ridicolously good-looking party" and we're going to watch a film that we made about a year ago( a really bad one, don't really want to talk about it, we used to make bad films a few years ago and then send them to all kinds of competitions and we actually won one, it is hard to say how surprised we were) and make toffe-muffins. Today we talked about invitation at school and I made a really weird one for today,I made it sound like it is an important red-carpet evening and I scetched a map and everything.
I got four absolutely cool postcards today, they are all so vintage and cool.. Don't have time for pictures right now. But, i'll post a pic i made yesterday, I wore the outfit to school also . And someday I'll show you the cards( maybe I'll do a post of all the cool cards I've got ) and the earrings.
Have fun !

Mul on päris kiire, kuna ma tahan küüsi lakkida, süüa, teha endale kõrvarõngad, korjata Liisale lilli ja mul on aega ainult 1 tund. Täna läheme Liisa juurde, kus meil on peaaegu-tüdrukute-õhtu. Me vaatame ühte filmi mis me eelmisel aastal tegime, see on väga halb, meil oli paar aastat tagasi kombeks teha väga halbu filme ja neid igasugustele konkursitele saata. Ükskord me isegi võitsime ühe ja me olime väga üllatunud. Ja siis me teeme veel iirise-muffinseid. Täna rääkisime koolis kutsete tegemisest ja ma tegin ühe eriti imeliku valmis, et jääks mulje nagu täna on eriti tähtis puanse vaiba üritus , tegin isegi kaardi ja puha.
Ma sain täna neli ülilahedat postkaarti, kõik on nii vanaaegsed ja vinged. Praegu pole piltide postitamiseks aega. Aga ma panen ühe pildi, mille ma eile tegin, käisin selle riietusega koolis ka . Ja äkki mõni päev ma postitan kaartidest pildid( äkki teen isegi eraldi postituse kõigist lahedatest kaartidest) ja nendest kõrvarõngastest.
Lõbutsege !

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