The beach

July 07, 2012

Originally we planned to go to the beach just to take pictures, but we ended up spending an hour just taking in the sun and the sea. I think I've said it before, but I feel so lucky to be living near the sea. The air and the feel of everything is just so different on the beach. I think I should take trips to the seaside more often, just because it's so relaxing. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to dip my toes in the sea and write my blog's name on the sand.
Since it was a warm summer's day, I went with the smallest amount of clothes possible - my lace shorts and a top that I got from Gina Tricot when we went to Helsinki in June. Easy, breezy and beautiful.
Right now it's raining outside, accompanied with thunder and lightning, so I'll just enjoy an evening inside and try to finish the book I'm reading.

Alguses plaanisime minna randa ainult pilte tegema, kuid lõpuks jäime sinna tunnikeseks niisama päikest ja merd nautima. Ma vist olen seda juba varem ka öelnud, aga ma olen väga õnnelik, et elan mere ääres. Rannas tundub kõik hoopis teistsugune ja palju rahustavam. Muidugi pidin varbaidpidi vees käima ja oma blogi nime liivale kirjutama!
Kuna see päev oli eriti suviselt soe, siis otsustasin kanda võimalikult vähe riideid - pitsist lühikesed püksid ja õhuline top, mille sain Helsingist. See riietus sobis täpselt rannaskäiguks ja ka päevitamine oli võimalik.
Praegune ilm on hoopis vastupidine, seega ma ilmselt veedan oma õhtu piparmünditeed juues ja üritan raamatu lõpuni lugeda.

top- gina tricot
shorts- c/o oasap
sneakers- converse c/o 
pictures by Getter.


  1. Mõnusad rannapildid ning outfit on hästi soe ja suvine:)! Aga küsimus .. kuidas sa saad neid converse kanda palja jala otsas? Mul endal on ka samad, aga palja jalaga hõõruvad need tennised kanna katki..

  2. so beautiful!your pics are so sunny!love the outfit and your sunglasses :)

  3. @anonymous : ma kannan neid tegelikult sokkidiga. valged madala äärega sokid on kõige paremad .

  4. Nii kenad suvised pildid! Tekkib kohe tahtmine randa minna. :)

  5. Inimese organism on endistviisi loomse päritoluga ja vajab endistviisi kõike seda mida pakub loodus.Õigemini,inimese normaalne keskkond on looduse rüpes,keset metsi soid-rabasid...

    Kenad unistavad aga ilusad viivad oma unistused ellu.
    Ilus on oma unistusi panna kirja muinasjuttudena.
    Kuketunnil Jaan ja Juulia lükkasidpaadi merele.Oli tuulevaikne, ilus ja soe suvehommik.Jaan loopis õnge ja üsna pea hakkas kala tulema. Said paadi täis tõmmatud ja oli aeg kodu poole kerima hakata aga järsku ilmus tuulispask... korraga merel selline torm,et anna otsad. Tuulispask tuli otse paadile peale ja vedas neid vee alla...Jaanil jooksid silme ees kaadrid lapsepõlvest puude otsas ronimisest ja päevad läbi jões mulistamisest,esimesest armastusest ja palju muid ilusaid pilte...Juulial ilmestusid parimad hetked teatrilaval...Ühel hetkel see film lõppes,keegi pressis neil kopsudest vett välja,oli purjakil olek ja kui nad silmad avasid siis ei saanud aru kuhu nad olid sattunud...neid ümbritses imeline muinasjutuline maailm millest nad olid unistanud-nad olid sattunud Amazonase kõrgkultuuri minevikus….ja edasi võiks lugu olla Amazonase kõrg tsivilisatsioonist:

    Need kaks lõiku tõin välja selle ajakirja paber väljaandest,No 69.

    Welcome to permaculture

    Maddy Harland editor

    Albert Bates is storyteller.He describes an epic adventure through pre -Conquistador South America where the black soils of the indigenous people,´terra preta´made from biochar mixed with kitchen compost,were so fertile they supported sophisticated cultures in cities deep in the Amazon. The Europeans invaded these lands,fought the inhabitants and imported infectious diseases and viruses that decimated the indigenous population.As Amazonian civilizations died out,the forest reclaimed the land. ...

    When these civilisations died out,with them were lost agricultural sciences developed over millennia and the recipe of terra preta.There follows a journey through the history of agriculture:the rise and fall of civilisations who exhausted their soils;an exploration of self-sustaining and highly sophisticated indigenous organic polycultures(oh,how arrogant we are in the West thinking we are ´civilised´with our chemical,oil-based monocultures!);carbon farming techniques;the production of biochar that makes soils capable of supporting huge colonies of micro-organisms,creating symbiosis between soil and plants;and how to lock up carbon in the soil.There is also calculated rationale on how many people are needed to grow,plant and care for enough trees to reforest planet.All these techiques will stabilise the global climate-indeed cool it-and within a few decades if we act in concord and quickly.This is permaculture design applied to global climate change.It is BIG systems-thinking broken down into bite size chunks and presented as an inter-related web of practical,scientifically researched solutions. ....

  6. Ooooh, Baltic Sea, I'm missing you so much!!! Really nice post, almost felt relaxing atmosphere of walking along seashore. And your outfit brings the sunshine :) Love those shorts and back of a top is stunning. Uncovers exactly what it should :)

  7. Oh your look gorgeous! I love the shorts and the shirt.

  8. Absolutely stunning outfit - I don't know which I love more, the shoes or the top!

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  9. Väga armsad pildid. Mulle meeldib eriti tagant pluus ja need üliilusad lace shorts.
    Jätka samas vaimus, sul on tõesti kaunid fotod ja omapärane stiil!


  10. Very nice summer outfit and I love back of the shirt :)

  11. I love beach too :DD
    Super love for ur top, the sexy backless <3
    wanna follow each other?


  12. cool look,
    always love pictures on the beach!


  13. What a gorgeous Summer outfit! The top is so cool with the cut outs at the back and those shorts are really cute =)

    Anna @ FEED ME NANA xoxo

  14. love the outfit and the pictures!

  15. Lovely photos, it looks like such a nice warm day x Sushi


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)