
July 01, 2012

Sometimes, when getting dressed, I start to think of what else has happened while I was wearing these clothes. When choosing clothes for Thursday night, when it was the Germany vs Italy game, the same thing happened. I really wanted to wear this outfit, but I remembered, that when I went to see the World Cup semi-final, I was wearing the same dress and then Germany lost. Even though I was so hoping for Germany to win this time, I still wore the dress, and they lost. I'm crazy like that. But like two years ago, I can say that at least now I can cheer for Spain in the final game tonight.
As for the outfit, the dress has been a summer favourite of mine for years. It has the loveliest colours and a great classic paisley print and also flows in the wind, which is always good. The sweater was made by my mom and kind of inspired by this Mango sweater.

Mõnikord tabab mind riietudes mingi imelik ebausk ja ma hakkan mõtlema, mis veel on juhtunud, kui ma neid riideid olen kandnud. Neljapäeval Saksamaa-Itaalia mänguks riideid valides juhtus sama. Mulle tuli meelde, et MM'i ajal kandsin poolfinaali vaadates sama kleiti ja Saksamaa kaotas. Muidugi lootsin, et Saksamaa sel korral suudab Itaaliat võita, isegi kui mul on sama kleit seljas, aga kahjuks mitte. Vähemalt saan seegi kord finaalis Hispaaniale pöialt hoida !
Mis sellesse komplekti puutub, siis see kleit on juba aastaid mu põhiline suvekleit. Mulle eriti meeldib selle värv ja muster. Kampsuni tegi mulle mu tragi ema ja see on mingil määral tehtud selle Mango kampsuni järgi.

dress- random shop
sweater- made by my mom
shoes- random brand
bag- diy
necklace- vintage


  1. You look so pretty ! love the knit !!


  2. Väga kaunis kombinatsioon! Kaelakee ja see üliilus seelik on mu lemmikud!

  3. You are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Love your outfit so so so so much!!!!
    Skirt is awsome,and shoes, shirt....Oh, everything is perfect.
    I'm jelaous! :)

  4. This outfit is so sweet, romantic... It's so nice!!


  5. You look fab! That skirt is amazing! I'm a new follower.

  6. Oh I wish I knew how to knit! That sweater looks so cozy and even more special since it was made by your mom. :) Love the print of that dress! Congrats on making LALM too! <3



Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)