This kitten has a lion's roar

August 16, 2012

Scissor Sisters- Skin This Cat

Yes, this is me, wearing leopard print. When I found this dress at a thrift store, I was so happy. First, it was that leopard print piece of clothing I had searched for. You know, not all over the place, but just a little hint of it. Secondly, it's the perfect dress. It has a collar, pockets, sleeves, high waistline, basically everything a great dress should have, in my opinion.
I decided not to make a big fuss of the outfit, so I just put on my favourite heels and a pair of cute ankle socks. Sometimes it's good to let that inner kitten out (at least in the from of cat-eye sunnies!).

Poleks kunagi arvanud, et ma hakkan leopardimustrilisi asju kandma. Kui ma selle kleidi ühest kaltsukast leidsin, olin üliõnnelik. Esiteks, see oli lõpuks sellise väikese leopardimustriga riideese, mida ma olin päris kaua otsinud. Teiseks, see kleit on lihtsalt perfektne. Sellel on krae, taskud, kõrge värvel ja üleüldse kõik, mis ühel heal kleidil peaks olema.

dress- zara (thrifted)
socks- dorothy perkins
shoes- sacha london
sunglasses- flea market
pictures by Getter.

This post is part of the IFB Project!


  1. oo, kus selline imeline kaltsukas asub?

  2. VAUUUU, Piia! Mulle muidu üldse ei meeldi loomamustriga asjad (noh... maomuster välja arvata), aga see on uskumatult kena, just see minimalism:) Ja satsiga sokid+rihmadega kontsad on ka VAUVAUVAU!!!!

  3. And this girly-flavored immaculate outfit exudes timeless Stylishness I must say (§ deeply approve) Dear ("Wink from a kind aesthete") !

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  4. Woah, what a cute dress! You know it will look cute if you pair it with one of the doctor martens shoes like the white one will work the best! :D

  5. @Maria: sain kleidi Emma kaltsukast. See on Pelgulinna kooli läheduses..

  6. I love so much this outfit!!!! I'd like to buy a similar dress

  7. the white dress is just amazing :D love it how the color looks on you! I now follow you on GFc, hope you can visit my blog and follow me back if you like (:


  8. super sweet outfit.. like every detail..

    Love Claudia

  9. wow I really like your dress, that collar is so pretty!

    Drawing Dreaming

  10. mida kõike me sellise leiu eest ei annaks. imeline!

  11. I don't usually like wearing socks that way but I like the outfit. You look like some movie's character. Followed)


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)