Christmas ball '12

December 18, 2012

Last Friday night was spent at our school's annual Christmas ball, which was absolutely magical. It took weeks of busy planning beforehand (hence the lack of posts), but it was all absolutely worth it! Everyone looked great, our big hall was decorated so beautifully and we even had an orchestra to play for dancing. The atmosphere was so lovely and we spent a wonderful evening full of Christmas spirit.

Eelmise reede õhtu veetsin oma kooli traditsioonilisel jõuluballil. See õhtu oli täiesti maagiline! Kogu meie lennu raske nädalatepikkune töö ja vaev tasus sajaprotsendiliselt ära. Kõik nägid imelised välja, meie aula oli vapustavalt ilusaks tehtud ja tantsuks mängis lausa orkester! Kogu atmosfäär oli nii kena ja me veetsime vapustavalt toreda jõuluhõngulise õhtu.

 dress- from the national opera
necklace- c/o specially for u
pictures by Simona Andreas.


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)