Lay down and wake up in Slowtown

September 02, 2013

Twenty One Pilots- Slowtown

Here I am, sitting in my Tartu flat, blogging the last set of pictures from Tallinn, when on a particularly rainy day, Grete and I sent each other off to university. 
I chose another of these "in between" outfits, which is half summer, half autumn. The flowy skirt and pearl-embellished top are a winning combination in my books and the jacket only adds a bit of an edge to the whole thing. With a swipe of red lipstick, my only rainproof flats and the coolest timepiece (it's a map of London, you guys!), this girl took on the melancholy of rain. Also, my "casually holding a coffee cup" pose is very strong, don't you think?  
I'm very sad to let this particular summer go, but ahem, I have to get it out of my system somehow and make room for better things that I'm sure are yet to come. 

Siin ma nüüd siis olen, istun oma Tartu korteris ja postitan viimaseid pilte vihmasest Tallinnast, kui me Gretega üksteist ülikooli ära saatsime.
Valisin jälle sellise suve ja sügise vahepeal oleva riietuse. See lendlev seelik ja pärlkraega pluus on minu silmis täielik võitja ja jakk lisab veidi särtsu juurde. Kiire punasuu, minu ainsate vihmakindlate madalate kingade ja kõige lahedama kellaga varustatuna (see on Londoni kaart!), sain üle ka kõige melanhoolsemast vihmast. Minu "niisama hoian kohvitopsi" poos on ka väga tugev, kas te ei arva? 
Mul on väga kurb sellest konkreetsest suvest lahti lasta, aga siiski pean selle oma süsteemist välja saama ja tegema ruumi paremate asjade jaoks, mis tulevikus kindlasti ootavad. 

blouse- vintage+diy
jacket- random brand
shoes- blink
watch- c/o may 28th
 pictures by Grete Teng.
this post is part of the IFB project.


  1. Vapustavad pildid! Ja ma pole mitte kunagi olnud ühegi käekella või muu aksessuaari peale nii kade kui praegu Sinu oma peale. Päikest ja ilusat ülikooli! :)

  2. The DIY detail of the collar is amazing. I'm a DIY addicted :) I have some tutorials on my blog and new ones are coming soon.

  3. Very awesome! Lena


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)