Fashion week snaps #3

October 30, 2014

The last day, most glamorous of them all. Two collections, Oksana Tandit and the ever-so-fabulous Embassy of Fashion. 
I've never really had a likening for Tandit, her collections are always kind of too "sexy conservative". This time it was the same, blazers buttoned down-to-there and shirts that you wear to the club, but want to wear to work. But there were a few very nice outfits too, especially a pleated glimmering dress that I'd put my eye on if I could afford it. 
Embassy of Fashion was 100% presidential reception material, evening dress after evening dress flowing like it's in a tunnel of summery breeze. It was all so pretty and suddenly mixed up with a whole lot of rad too. Not my favourite show of the week, but high in my top 3 definitely. 
That's the end of my black-and-white FW snaps series. Until next year! (When I'll have learned from my mistakes and actually take the camera's charger with me to Tallinn too. It died on day 2, so for these pictures I have Lucine to thank. Thanks!)

Viimane päev ja kahtlemata kõige glamuursem kõigist. Kaks kollekstiooni: Oksana Tandit ja alati imeline Embassy of Fashion .
Mulle pole Tandit kunagi väga meeldinud, ta kollektsioonid kipuvad olema sellised seksikalt konservatiivsed. Seekord oli sama - pintsakud, mis olid päris avaralt lahti nööbitud, pluusid, mida kanda nii klubis kui ka kontoris. Loomulikult oli lahedaid asju ka, näiteks üks plisseeritud sätendav kleit, millele ma kindlasti oma silma peale paneks, kui ma vaid seda endale lubada saaksin. 
Embassy of Fashion oli sada protsenti presidendi vastuvõtu materjal, õhtukleit õhtukleidi järel, mis lendlesid nagu need oleksid suvise briisi tuuletunnelis. Kõik oli nii nii ilus ja siis äkitselt väga radikaalselt karmi moega ka. See ei olnud mu lemmikshow kogu moenädalalt, aga kindlasti kõrgel top kolme hulgas. 
Siin saabki minu mustvalgete klõpsude seeria läbi. Järgmise aastani! (Kui ma olen oma vigadest õppinud ja võtan Tartust ka fotoka aku laadija kaasa. Aku sai teisel päeval tühjaks ja nende piltide eest pean Lucine'i tänama. Aitäh!)


  1. Piia, I've hardly recognized the photos!!!Great job! ;)

  2. Cool, thanks! Black-and-white and some mirror effects really make a difference sometimes.


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)