Magic forest

December 02, 2014

For the past few days it's been freezing, but it's also been very beautiful. These pictures were taken yesterday, when the frosty trees in the park looked like an entrance to a magical forest. Today, it's also sunny, so the frost is like a natural glittery sequined backdrop to life. Can't complain.
I also can't complain about the cold. With only a few wears, this new coat of mine from Style Moi has proved to be a staple for this winter. Firstly, it has a bit of colour, because anything other than black is considered colourful winter dressing already. Secondly, the boyfriend fit is cool. But most of all I'm genuinely surprised how warm it is. Usually the stuff that comes from Asian online stores is not meant for the Nordic climate, but with a trusty sweater underneath, this coat made it nicely!

Viimastel päevadel on olnud krõbekülm, aga samas ka tõeliselt ilus. Need pildid on tehtud eile, kui härmatanud puud muutsid Emajõe-äärse pargi nagu mingiks võlumetsa sissepääsuks. Täna, kui päike ka paistab, on härmatisest saanud hoopis sädelev taust igapäevaelule. Siin ei ole millegi üle kurta!
Isegi külma üle ei kurda. Juba mõne kandmiskorraga on minu uus Style Moist saadud mantel tõestanud, et jääb minuga terveks talveks. Esiteks on see pisut värviline, sest noh, kõik mis pole must, on talveriiete mõttes värviline. Teiseks on see lahedalt suure lõikega. Aga mis peamine, ma olen tõepoolest üllatunud, kui soe see on. Tavaliselt Aasia netipoodidest tellitud asjad ei ole Põhjamaade kliima jaoks tehtud, aga kui panin mantli alla ühe (isegi mitte liiga paksu) kampsuni, sai ta täitsa kenasti hakkama! 

jeans- monki
watch- casio
shirt- ralph lauren
boots- from a shop called Danija, the brand is Luciana de Luca
pictures taken with Nikon 1. 


  1. Everything from this post looks so beautiful! I love the outfit (especially the coat) as well as the pictures and the location!

    x Giada | Miel Café

  2. It may be freezing, but it looks SO beautiful outside! That coat is a great find, I love how it adds color without being too "loud."

    Have a great week!


  3. Lovely coat, it's such a nice colour and shape!
    Hannah x

    1. Thanks :) Plus the colour goes with the trees too ;)

  4. this looks so beautiful, its like Narnia! i love the colour of your coat too, it gives it effortless sophistication

  5. love those boots!!! and the color of that coat is so lush!!

    Animated Confessions

  6. Suurepärane värvipalett outfit'il ja taustaga!

  7. Great outfit! Love the coat, the color is perfect. The backdrop is amazing.
    Obsessed Fashion Blog

  8. See kuldne kaelaehe on lihtsalt suur VAU!


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)