Photo recap: Bloggers' flea market

December 09, 2014

As last year, I organised a pre-Christmas flea market, where Estonian fashion bloggers can empty their wardrobes, sell their stuff, meet readers (I got my first fan-photo taken with me!) and hang out with each other. It was a cosy and nice 4 hours in one of Tallinn's cutest cafes. I got rid of so much stuff that I don't wear anymore and so did the others. There was lots of chic-talk and goofing around once most of the potential buyers had left and general fun stuff happening. A huge thank you to everyone involved and let's hope that I won't be too busy next year to throw it again!

Teist aastat järjest korraldasin Sinilinnus moeblogijate kirbuturgu ja jälle sai maha peetud üks tõeliselt tore üritus. Blogijaid said oma riidekappe tühjendada, asjad pühapäevahommikul maha müüa, lugejatega tutvuda (minuga tehti isegi esimene fännipilt!) ja üksteisega aega veeta. 
Suur suur aitäh kõikidele osalistele, loodetavasti kohtume järgmisel aastal uuesti!

On the pictures: Kamilla, Stella, Eneli, Valeria and my friends. 

pictures taken with Nikon 1. 

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