As this is Valentine's Day, I bring you a special outfit post with a special guest. Well, two special guests actually. The more important one of them being my boyfriend Mirko, who has become as much a part of this blog as I am. He's the off-camera team taking and editing the pictures, plus he's the one who decorated my blog with this pretty new design. It's about time I give him due credit and you get to meet the guy.
The second guest is our new Komono watch. I say "our" because we both can wear it. The herringbone design is so timeless and the classic number plate that I can already imagine the little morning quarrels over who gets to wear it. For now it's up to you to decide, who styled it better.
Kuna täna on ikkagi valentinipäev, siis on teie ees ka üks erikülalisega eriline postitus. Tegelikult isegi kahe erikülalisega. Tähtsaim neist on minu armas poiss-sõber Mirko, kes on juba pea sama suur osa sellest blogist kui mina olen. Ta on hädavajalik kaadritagune jõud, kes pildistab ja parandab kõik mu pildid, samuti on ta minu blogi uue ja ilusa disaini autor. Oleks juba aeg, et ma talle siin mõned kiidusõnad jagan ja teie temaga tutvuda saate.
Teine külaline on meie uus Komono kell. Ma ütlen "meie", sest me mõlemad saame seda kanda. See mustvalge disain on piisavalt ajatu ja numbrilaud niivõrd lihtne, et ma juba kujutan ette väikseid hommikusi vaidlusi selle üle, kes kella kanda saab. Praegu aga võite otsustada, kes kella paremini oma riietusega sobitas!
Komono kellasid saate osta Sportlandist ja Iconi poodidest.
On me:
skirt- new yorker
jumper- primark
On him:
jacket- h&m
trousers- asos
shirt- bershka
pictures taken with Nikon 1.
Gorgeous outfits!
Thanks, Ariana!
Deleteyou look great, beautiful images. have a nice day
Thanks, I'm glad you like them :)
Deleteyou both look great :)
*blushes* Thanks :)