White As Snow

January 08, 2017

If there's a time for making promises, improvements and putting together a plan, it's the beginning of a new year and even though I try to keep from promising too much (putting pressure on myself for not keeping said promises, no thanks!), I do want to try and refine my style this year. I'm talking about finding some perfect basics - much like this woolly coat - to build my wardrobe around and develop a sort of personal style. Hopefully this means more thoroughly considered purchases, getting rid of unworn clothes and a wardrobe that I could match even blindfolded. 

For now, I keep dressing in monochrome favourites and despite the freezing temperatures (we finally have snow!) turning to my favourite pleated skirt in a truly "new year, same me" style. With some delicate accessories and a whiter-than-snow jumper, I felt suitably matching to the gracefully gliding snow. Colours aren't gone from my wardrobe, but for the busy days of January, neutrals just seems so much easier. (Is this how people start to adopt scandi minimalism?)

Kui üldse on olemas aeg lubaduste, enesetäienduste ja planeerimiste jaoks, siis selleks on aasta algus ja kuigi ma üritan hoiduda igasuguste liigsete lubaduste andmisest (pole hullemat endale pandud pingest, kui neid lubadusi juhuslikult täidetud ei saa), siis tahaksin üritada oma riietumist kuidagi läbimõeldumaks ja ühtsemaks muuta. Eelkõige tahan leida head baasesemed - nagu näiteks see villane mantel - mille ümber siis oma riidekapi sisu ehitama hakata ja üleüldiselt liikuda mingil määral personaalse stiili poole. Loodetavasti tähendab see läbimõeldud oste, põhjalikku kapipuhastust (tere-tere, kirbuturud!) ja riideid, mida võiksin kasvõi kinnisilmi omavahel sobitada. 

Praegu aga jään oma värvitute lemmikute juurde ja hoolimata krõbekülmadest kraadidest panin vanas heas "uus aasta, sama mina" stiilis selga oma lemmiku plisseerseeliku. Mõne õrna aksessuaari ja lumestki valgema kampsuniga oli tunne, et ma sobin sinna langeva lume alla väga ilusti poseerima. Värvid ei ole mu garderoobist muidugi täiesti kadunud, aga praeguse kiire jaanuari jaoks tunduvad neutraalsetes toonides asjad lihtsalt palju lihtsamad (kas niimoodi langevadki inimesed minimalismi õnge?). 

 Jumper- c/o SheIn, Skirt- Thrifted, Coat- Promod, Necklace- H&M (from a pack of five)



  1. Pleated skirts remind me of school uniform so this outfit and palette remind me of back to school. The cut of the coat is perfect. Colour isn't difficult to throw in at all and I would rather wear it to brighten up such dull cold weather

  2. I love your outfit, that crop top is so cute! X


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)