F o n o v e l

April 15, 2012

I don't really post about music that much, but this band is really worth it.
Some time ago I went to Tallinn Music Week to listen to an Estonian newcomer, Tenfold Rabbit. But the band that came on before them, was called Fonovel. I had heard nothing about them before the show, but after their performance, I was too exited about their music to even remember the band's name. They seemed to be really thankful to all the people who had come to hear them play (or just happened to be there, like me) and played a total of 5 songs during their short performance. That was more than enough to convince me in their awesomeness.
And they really are awesome. Fonovel is from Poland, a country whose music I know nothing of . There are three members and guess what .. the lead singer himself plays the drums. If that isn't cool, then what is ? Oh, and they sound a bit like Franz Ferdinand, which is in no way a bad thing.
I've been obsessing over their music ever since I heard them. So, on Friday I received a late birthday gift from Getter.. she got me a Fonovel CD, straight from Poland.
I'll leave you with a few songs and pictures to make a Sunday evening even more fun !

Ma ei postita muusikast just eriti palju, aga see bänd on seda tõeliselt väärt.
Mõni aeg tagasi käisin Tallinn Music Weekil. Tahtsin kuulata Tenfold Rabbit'it , aga see bänd, kes enne neid mängis, meeldis mulle nii palju rohkem . Ma isegi ei mäletanud pärast esinemisit nende nime, kuid pärast seda kontserti olen ma peaaegu ainult nende muusikat kuulanud. 
Bändi nimi on Fonovel ja nad on Poolast. Neil on kolm liiget ning pealaulja mängib ise trumme. Lahe, või mis? Reedel sain Getterilt oma hilinenud sünnipäevakingi ning selleks oli Fonoveli plaat. Ta pidi selle otse Poolast hankima, kuna Eestist kahjuks nende muusikat (veel) osta ei saa. 
Igatahes, jätan teid nüüd Fonoveli nautima, et pühapäeva õhtu veel lahedamaks teha :)

Fonovel - Achieve

Fonovel - Good vibe

Fonovel - Silence


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)