Those pictures were taken on a particularly summery day a few weeks back and since then we've survived some pretty gross times, but now it seems that summer's starting to show its face again. Also, slowly, but surely, all of my Barcelona shopping from way back in February is making its appearance on the blog. I think there's just one necklace and a skirt that you haven't properly seen yet! This skirt is one of the things that took up space in my cabin luggage on the way back, but it was such a gorgeous print and for three euros (oh yes!) I couldn't leave it at the store. Sales in Spain are something else, guys!
Speaking of travelling, then I'm off very soon again! As school is ending for this semester, we're going on a two-day course trip to Brussels this week and in the beginning of June I'll be in London with my family. So any tips on those two cities would be greatly appreciated!
Hope you have a lovely week!
Need pildid on mu arvutis juba päris kaua istunud, tähelepanelikumad ehk märkavad, et sellist ilma pole meil ju ammu olnud. Tegime need ühel eriti suvisel päeval paar nädalat tagasi, aga õnneks tundub, et suvi hakkab taas oma nägu näitama. Vaikselt ja visalt jõuavad siia blogisse ka kõik mu veebruarikuus Barcelonas tehtud sisseostud. Vist ongi ainult üks kaelakee ja seelik, mida te veel korralikult näinud ei ole. See seelik näiteks on üks asi, mis tagasiteel mu käsipagasist ruumi röövis, aga see on nii imelise mustriga ja maksis ainult kolm eurot (!), nii et ei olnud väga mõistlik seda ostmata jätta. Hispaania allahindlused on hoopis teist masti kui meil.
Reisimisest rääkides, siis ega minagi enam väga paigal püsida ei taha. Kool hakkab selleks semestriks läbi saama juba kolmapäeval sõidame kursakatega Brüsselisse. Juuni alguses läheme perega Londonisse. Igasugused näpunäited kummagi linna kohta on vägagi oodatud!
Loodan, et teil tuleb üks tore (ja suvine) nädal!
shirt- seppälä
skirt- stradivarius
hat- topshop
boots- h&m
Brüssel on huvitav valik, miks just see? :)
ReplyDeleteMul on koolis aine Poliitiline Kommunikatsioon ja sõidame kursakatega kaheks päevaks europarlamendi tööga tutvuma. Pole just mingi epic reis, aga tore ikka ja ehk jõuan mõne laheda kohviku või koha sisse mahutada.
DeleteI'm a Londoner, I advise you go to a station on the tube and explore the area. for example, go to Notting Hill Gate, get out and explore from there. On Saturdays Portobello market is great but get there early morning. Camden Town is of course a tourist spot but it's fun one with lots to see. Southbank is good, get off at Embankment and follow the crowd. I also love Chinatown, get off at Leicester Square and follow the signs. Some tourist places are better than others
ReplyDeleteThanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely keep them in mind.
DeleteLove this look!! :)