More flower crowns and more smiles from Positivus day two. I swear the smile only wore off for a second at Charli XCX's show when we tried to get to the front, but it was so damn crowded and I got so claustrophobic that I burst into tears. But don't worry, once we were at a safe distance, I was totally okay and dancing my ass off to all that girl power! She was the best gig of the day, who, for some reason had to perform at the second largest stage, despite attracting thousands. Another great and very popular gig was our very own Ewert and the Two Dragons - Estonian indie-boys making really cute tingly music that always spells summer for me.
As for my outfit, then I kept the wellies and on that day it actually rained a bit too. However I decided that it's not that cold and wore my faux leather shorts that have been waiting for the perfect moment since spring and paired them with this awesome off-shoulder totally boho blouse. I love eveything off-shoulder right now and my next post will be proof of that. Stay tuned!
Veel lillekroone ja veel suuremad naeratused Positivuse teiselt päevalt. Ausõna, see naeratus kadus mu huulilt vaid korraks siis, kui trügisime Charli XCX'i kontserdi ajal lava ette inimmassi sisse ja seal oli tõesti nii palju rahvast, et suurest klaustrofoobiast puhkesin nutma. Aga pole vaja muretseda, kohe kui kuskil kaugemal ja rahulikumas kohas olime, võtsin end kokku ja tantsisin nii, kuis jaksasin kogu selle girl poweri saatel, mis laval toimus. See vist oligi mu päeva lemmikkontsert ja mulle tõesti ei mahtunud pähe, miks Charli pealaval ei võinud olla, sest no see teise lava esine oli nii tuubil rahvast täis, et see tšikk oleks pealava esise samamoodi rokkima pannud. Teine väga tore kontsert oli muidugi meie oma Ewert ja draakonid. Nad on tõesti nii armsad, et lihtsalt naeratasin terve kontserdi ja mõtlesin, kui tore ikka kõik on.
Mis mu riietusse puutub, siis jätsin ka selleks päevaks kummikud jalga ja tegin õige otsuse, sest vihma päriselt sadas ka. Siiski otsustasin, et õues väga külm ei ole ja panin jalga oma kunstnahast lühikesed püksid, mis on oma hetke oodanud vist juba kevadest. Kombineerisin pükstega selle laheda õlgadeta pluusi, mis on nii hipilik, et ise ka ei usu. Mulle praegu nii meeldivad igasugused õlgu paljastavad pluusikesed-kleidikesed ja selle tõestuseks on ka mu järgmine postitus. Jääge ootama!
shorts- amisu (new yorker)
top- c/o
flower crown- h&m
pearl bracelets- house
other bracelets- vintage
rubber boots- shu
pictures by MU Photo
Gorgeous outfit, I really love the fringed top, looks perfect for summer! <3
ReplyDeleteI have a new outfit post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:
* Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *
Thanks! Your post looks so great!
DeleteLove this style ;) ;) Bisous from France, *-* Sand. *-*
Thank you! Bisous right back at you :)
DeleteThank you Bianka!
ReplyDeleteI really did think everything through, I'm glad you like it!