Inspired by my previous outfit post, I've decided to bring you a kimono-themed shopping guide. Whether you've got a festival ahead or behind you, or just plain want to look cool this summer, kimonos are the way to go. They're perfect with little denim shorts, paired with monochrome dresses and even work with leather trousers. So a seemingly difficult piece of clothing is actually really versatile.
I've chosen a few high street (sale!) pieces here, so if you need one asap, then set your steps to Zara or H&M, but I've also included a few online store ones, because these are a bit cheaper and if you dare to wait, then go ahead and treat yourself to a pretty floral fringed kimono. Last year I ordered mine online and was waiting, fingers crossed, that it arrives in time for my festival trip. It did!
I'm currently experiencing the post-festival blues (probably, because this post is scheduled from before the festival began and all was ahead!) and I'm guessing that I might want to buy a few of these, just to feel better. The festival theme isn't going anywhere though, as I have quite a few outfits to show you!
Minu eelmisest riietusepostitusest inspireerituna toon teieni kimono-teemalise šoppamispostituse. Ükskõik, kas lemmikfestivalil on juba käidud või ootab mõni ees või tahate lihtsalt suvel lahe välja näha, kimonod on õige valik! Need on muidugi eriti nunnud lühikeste pükstega, teevad iga ühevärvilise kleidi lahedamaks ja töötavad isegi nahkpükstega. Riietusese, mida tundub täitsa keeruline millegagi koos kanda, on tegelikult mitmekülgsem, kui keegi oskas arvata.
Valisin siia komplekti mõned tavapoodide allahindluselettidelt leitavad eksemplarid, juhuks kui teil on kohe praegu ja nüüd üht vaja, aga ka mõned netipoe kimonod, sest need kipuvad olema odavamad ja kui jaksate oodata, siis miks mitte end ühe laheda jakikesega kostitada. Eelmisel aastal tellisin enda kimono netist ja ootasin, pöidlad pihus, et see Positivuse ajaks kohale jõuaks. Jõudis küll!
Nüüd kannatan festivalijärgse kurbuse käes (ilmselt, sest see postitus on kirjutatud reede hommikul, kui Positivus veel alanud polnudki) ja mulle tundub, et võib-olla tahan endale ühe neist osta, lihtsalt selleks, et end paremini tunda. Festivaliteema iseenesest ei kao kuskile, sest mul on teile nii mõnigi lahe komplekt näidata.
I'm obsessed with kimonos. In the last couple of months I have discovered them by chance and am building up a collection to wear for as long as possible during the year. Always seeking the perfect ones, I see a lot on Lookbook that have sold out so I look for something similar for example
ReplyDeleteSame here, although I try to refrain from buying too many. But I have one black seethrough kimono travelling my way... #huulte
DeleteHope you found a few from here that you like!