I'm not much of a shopper lately (working in retail just makes you bored of new and exciting arrivals), but this sweater was one of my spring must haves. I think I first spotted this dreamy combo of pastel, stripes and dainty little crystals online, then went to try it on and left the store to ponder for a few days. After a few more fitting rounds, some changing room selfies and a markdown, I kindly asked my mom to surprise me with it for my birthday.
It was only right to pair my favourite spring pieces together together for a truly idyllic day in the countryside and taking pictures at the nearby manor house seemed even more fitting. If you know me at all, you'll know that I'm a mayor architecture lover and local manor houses make me all fluttery inside, so much so that just the other day I bought a lottery ticket in the hope of being able to buy my favourite manor in Estonia. If this blog ever turns into one about pretty houses, you have been warned. However, this particular one behind me is special on its own, being the one that my parents got married in way back in 1991.
As for the little bouquet in my hands - my mother picked these lovely little forget-me-nots from the manor gardens, because apparently my outfit was lacking accessories, which makes me think that maybe I should have her shoot my outfits more often?
Ma pole viimasel ajal suuremat sorti šoppaja (riidepoes töötamine suudab nullida igasuguse elevuse uute riiete ees), aga see Montoni kampsunike oli küll pikka aega minu kevadises garderoobiuuenduse nimekirjas. Nägin seda kõigepealt vist internetis, siis käisin proovimas ja võtsin pisut mõtlemisaega. Pärast veel mitut proovimiseringi, mõnd laiali saadetud proovikabiini selfiet ja väikest hinnaalandust palusin lõpuks oma emal teha mulle üllatus ja see sünnipäevakingiks osta.
Ainuõige oli siis kõik kevadised lemmikud (need kõrge värvliga püksid on mulle siiani peaaegu et jalga liimitud) ühes idülliliseks väljasõiduks koos selga panna ja tuttava Tohisoo mõisa juures pildistamine tundus ka möödapääsmatu. Kõik, kes mind vähegi teavad, on kursis, et olen üks suur arhitektuurinerd ja rohkemgi kui keskaegsed kirikud ajavad mu südame põksuma just meie oma baltisaksa mõisahooned. Kusjuures ükspäev avastasin jälle, et mu lemmikmõis on siiani müügis ning suures lootuses endast kunagi mõisaproua teha ostsin isegi lotopiletid. See konkreetne pastellroosa iludus, mille ümbruses ma lapsepõlves nii palju mänginud olen, on lausa topelterilise tähtsusega - nimelt just seal pidasid mu vanemad enam kui kakskümmend aastat tagasi oma pulmapidu.
Mis puutub sellesse kimbukesse mu käes, siis mu ema otsustas need meelespead mõisa ümbrusest korjata, et mu piltidel ka mõni aksessuaar oleks. Kui see pole armas, siis ma ei tea, mis on!
Such a darling sweater! That would be amazing if you could some day buy that house-- it would have a great story behind it!
Ilusad pildid!
ReplyDeleteAdorable outfit! :)
I love the beads on that sweater!
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful post,dear! I love it!!! This one is so beautiful and cute!