Dirty Dancing

August 30, 2011

Done! Loved it !
Now I can say that it really is one of the greatest love stories of movie history. Patrick Swayze is a total badass dreamboat tough guy turned good(and the way he dances !!). And Baby, even if she was a total wuss in the beginning, she's the classic good girl turned bad. The movie is truly iconic. It immediately got a spot in my favourites .
And I've got the song stuck in my head, but I'm ok with that.
Everyone who hasn't watched it yet, please do.


  1. "Dirty Dancing 2" on ka väga hea. :) Peaosades Romola Garai ja Diego Luna.

  2. your soo right! one of my fave 'aaaahhhhh i wish that was me' movies haha... i am also loving your outfit below =)

    Now following your pretty style =)


  3. Dirty Dancing is definitely one of the best movies ever!


  4. It sure is a classic. Thank you for following. I will add you to the list. Good Luck. Xxxx

  5. minu meelest on täiesti FANTASTILINE vaadata, milline on nendevaheline keemia filmis ja seda just eriti sellepärast, et kuuldavasti ei sallinud nad päriselus teineteist silmaotsaski.
    ma olen juba sada aastat sind followinud, a polegi vist kunagi öelnud, et vahva blogi on sul :)


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)