A state of mind

April 24, 2012

Spent a lovely Sunday afternoon with Getter, hanging at the main square, studying for our psychology test and being approached by random strangers. A couple of guys came to us with a camera and microphone to ask some questions about relationships for a school assignment. We agreed and instantly regretted it. The questions were really awkward and very direct. Luckily we were both wearing sunglasses and they didn't ask our names.
The weather was really warm and sunny, which allowed me to wear my wonderful trenchcoat. As I was in a hurry when getting dressed, I quickly threw on the classic jeans and a t-shirt combo and went out. Accompanied by my favourite flats, bag and scarf, it was the perfect comfy and relaxed outfit.
Now I'm off to watch Gossip Girl, football and eat peppermint ice-cream ! Have a great week, everyone !

Pühapäeval veetsin toreda pärastlõuna Getteriga. Istusime Vabakal, õppisime ja rääkisime niisama juttu. Ühel hetkel tulid mingid suvalised kaamera ja mikrofoniga tüübid meie juurde ja küsisid, kas nad tohivad koolitöö jaoks meiega suhetest väikese intervjuu teha. Poleks ilmselt pidanud nõustuma, sest need küsimused olid tõesti otsekohesed ja piinlikud. Õnneks olid meil mõlemal vähemalt päikeseprillid ees ! 
Kuna ilm oli soe ja riietumisega läks kodus kiireks, siis viskasin kiirelt teksad ja t-särgi komplekti selga ja peale oma imelise kevadmantli, koos lemmikkingade, -koti ja -salliga ja olingi valmis. Väga sobilik outfit mõnusasse pühapäeva.
Tänase õhtu veedan Gossip Girli ja jalgpalli vaadates ning piparmündijäätist süües (ma ei teadnudki, et meil sellist jäätist müüakse !!) .

t-shirt - thrifted
jeans- amisu
trenchcoat - h&m
loafers- vintage
scarf- burberry
bracelets- selfmade
bag- thrifted
photos by Getter


  1. piparmündijäätist - mmm, kõlab hästi!

  2. First: Thank you for visit my blog.
    I love your outfits and I like your style :)

    I will be your new fan ^^


  3. Love those pants.


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)