Holiday pics

July 25, 2012

I'm baaaack! This post is all about the trip, pictures and everything. I decided to use the ones I took with my phone, I hope you don't mind the quality..  A lot of the pictures include pretty architecture, I just couldn't help it. The Scandinavians sure know how to build beautiful houses.

Olen oma reisilt tagasi!! Panin kokku ühe suure postituse piltidega oma reisist. Need on kõik tehtud mu telefoniga, seega ma loodan, et te ei pane pahaks seda kvaliteeti. Ma tegin tohutult palju pilte lihtsalt ilusatest majadest, aga enda õigustuseks võin öelda, et skandinaavlased ikka oskavad maju ehitada.

Our first stop was Kalmar, with its beautiful castle and a really cute old town.
Esimene peatus oli Kalmar. Seal on maagiliselt ilus loss ja hästi armas vanalinn ka. Linn ise meenutas natuke Pärnut, ei teagi miks..

 The next day we went to Denmark and firstly, Copenhagen. We visited the Carlsberg museum, which was a lot more fun than I had expected and we also went on the canal tour. I loved all the little bridges and amazing houses next to the canals. Coming back to the hotel, we bought coffee and macaroons!
Järgmisel päeval jõudsime Kopenhagenisse. Külastasime Carlsbergi muuseumit, mis oli tegelikult palju põnevam, kui ma arvasin. Et ühe päevaga linnale ring peale teha, käisime väikesel kanalituuril. Nägime kõik põhilised kohad ära ja saime Kopenhagenist mingis mõttes ülevaate. Mulle tohutult meeldisid kõik väikesed sillakesed ja imeilusad majad kanalite ääres.

 Kronborg castle was also amazing. It was so regal and aristocratic. In Roskilde, I visited the Dome Church which is the burial ground for many Danish kings and queens and it was just as majestic as it should be with its greatness and spectacular Gothic shape.
Järjekordne loss, mida külastasime oli Kronborgi loss või siis Hamleti loss. See oli hästi suursugune ja kuninglik ja tõepoolest ilus. Rostockis käisin Toomkirikus, kuhu oli maetud palju Taani kuningapere  liikmeid ja seisusele vastavalt oli ka kirik väga uhke. Kämpingus oli vahva batuut!

 This amazing courtyard was also in Copenhagen. It was kind of a passage, with windows overlooking it. I don't know what I'd do for an apartment in that building.
See imeline siseõu oli ka Kopenhagenis. See oli nagu käik kahe tänava vahel. Omada korterit selles majas oleks päris mõnus.

 On our forth day we went to Legoland! It's just amazing what can be built from little Lego blocks. There were huge statues, big cities with boats and trains and everything. There was even a Star Wars corner! Also, during the whole trip, I kind of overindulged on ice-cream and spent half of the evenings playing a Lego board-game with my sister and nephew.
Neljandal päeval käisime Legolandis! See tundus ikka päris uskumatu, mida väikestest klotsidest on võimalik valmis meisterdada. Seal olid terved linnad liikuvate paatide ja rongidega, hiiglaslikud kujud ja muidugi ka Star Warsile pühendatud nurgake.Muide, terve reisi jooksul ma sõin ikka väga palju jäätist ja paljud õhtud veetsin õe ja tädipojaga ühte vahvat Lego lauamängu mängides.

 Before returning to Sweden, we went to the beach, had a picnic and walked bare feet in the sand. And ate ice-cream. Right near the port was even a local palm beach, believe it or not. It would be great to spend a few days there and pretend to be in the Caribbean.
Enne Rootsisse tagasi minemist käisime veel rannas piknikul. Muidugi sõime jäätist ka. Muide, otse sadama kõrval oli palmirand, uskuge või mitte.

 Another picture showing my love for Copenhagen. And bridges.
Siin on järjekordne pilt, mis väljendab mu lembust Kopenhageni ja sildade vastu.

 Gothenburg was just as great as Copenhagen. Pretty houses, beautiful people and great ice-cream. Since it was the first day with warmer weather, I took the opportunity to wear my new bowtie flip-flops from Sarenza.
Göteborg oli täpselt sama ilus kui Kopenhagen. Kõik majad olid nii ilusad ja inimesed hästi toredad. Kuna see oli esimene vähegi sooja ilmaga päev, siis otsustasin kanda oma uusi lipsukestega plätusid Sarenzast.

 We finally properly went shopping in Stockholm and then had to leave for the boat and wave goodbye to Sweden. My buys are on the last picture: two printed skirts, a floral top and white shorts. All are from H&M, except the shorts, which are from Lindex.
Alles Stockholmis käisime korralikult šoppamas, siis pidi juba laevale minema ja Rootsile tekilt lehvitama. Minu ostud on viimasel pildil, kõik peale lühikeste pükste on H&Mst.

p.s. I also drew the giveaway winner via and already contacted her.


  1. the pictures are really lovely :D

  2. so many beautiful pics!so nice and fun.great skirts and ice creams :)

  3. Nice blog you have...wanna follow each other?
    please follow, just leave me a comment and I'll follow u back!


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)