Travel wear

July 23, 2012

This is another scheduled post for my trip. Hope you liked the guest-posts! I recently got my lomo film developed and I dicscovered these two outfit photos on it. They were taken on the night of Eurovision in the end of May, but I'm wearing practically the same outfit in Denmark. So it's kind of an early outfitpost from my trip.

See on järjekordne ette postitatud sissekanne. Sain hiljuti oma lomo filmi ilmutatud ja leidsin sealt need kaks toredat outifit'i pilti. Teigime need Eurovisiooni õhtul, mis oli mais ,aga kannan ilmselt Taanis ka sarnaseid riideid. Seega on see nagu väga varajane postitus mu reisist.

parka- kappahl
sweater- thrifted
shorts- c/o
bag- jouni exclusive
loafers- vintage

wholesale fashion clothing


  1. Lovely outfit :)

  2. you look awsome! love the parka:)

  3. Like the parker, they always look go well with short shorts and give a cool, laid back feel to things...

  4. Very nice outfit, love your sweater :)


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)