Back to cool

August 29, 2012

School starts next week, kids! Here's a little Dsquared² campaign video to get you in the mood. Or not. Unfortunately real school isn't half as fun or fabulous as it is in "The Substitutes". That short movie is by far this season's coolest ad campaign. The models are so badass, the clothes look amazing, the shoes are even more amazing and designers Dean and Dan are just adorable. Ready for school yet?

Kool algab järgmisel nädalal, lapsed! Mõtlesin teiega jagada seda lahedad Dsquared² 'i kampaaniavideot, et teid kooli lainele aidata. Või mitte. Kahjuks pole päriskool pooltki nii vinge, kui selles lühifilmis. "The Substitutes" on ilmselt selle hooaja kõige lahedam reklaamikampaania. Modellid on eriti riukalikud, riided näevad vapustavad välja, kingad näevad veel lahedamad välja ja disainerid Dean ja Dan on ka väga vahvad. Olete kooliks juba valmis? 


  1. Oooh, see on imeline! Vaatepilt, kui need kohvrid avati, oli imeline.


  2. übercoolid riided + kingad ja ei keelduks sellistest klassivendadest.. ausalt öeldes

  3. This is a great video :) I just came across your awesome blog through an IFB group that I'm in, and it would be great to keep in touch! I'd love for you to pop by my blog sometime, and if you like it, we can follow each other :) Go ahead and follow me if you like what you see, and I promise I'll follow back!

    ♡ veena |
    twitter/instagram: @veenamccoole


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)