RIP black loafers (02.02.2012 - 16.08.2012)

August 20, 2012

Not to be too dramatic or anything, but my favourite shoes of this spring/summer season broke and I figured that they need at least a good-bye post on the blog. I got the vintage loafers for a ridiculous price and I wore them a lot on the blog and countless times in real life. So, one day I discovered a crack in their sole, but that didn't stop me from wearing them. It was last week when a piece of their sole broke off and I had to send them on their last journey to the trashcan.
Black loafers, you will be missed.

Mitte et ma tahaksin meeletult dramaatiline olla, aga ühed mu lemmikkingad läksid hiljuti katki ja ma mõtlesin, et peaksin nad korralikult ära saatma. Sain need vintage kingad naeruväärse hinna eest ja kandsin neid mitu korda blogis ja lugematuid kordi päriselus. Ühel päeval avastasin kingade talla seest prao, aga see ei takistanud mind neid kandmast. Eelmisel nädalal aga läks pragu nii suureks, et tükk tuli talla küljest ära ja kahjuks pidin saatma kingad nende viimasele teekonnale prügikasti.
Mustad loafersid, ma jään teid igatsema.

Vintage loafers 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


  1. amezing shoes!!

  2. aww farewell, dear loafers! it's always a sad die when your favorite shoes finally have to go! xx

  3. eww no! i hate it when that happens! RIP loafers!

    love from San Francisco,

  4. I love these, they remind me of japanese school girl shoes. Sorry they fell apart. I would have been bummed if that happened to my favourite shoes. Good excuse for a shopping trip? Just realised I wasn't following you earlier. Following you now dear, stay in touch.

    xx Jenee C.

  5. I now the feeling :( they were amazing..


  6. Lovely blog.


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)