The parrot skirt

August 23, 2012

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your sympathetic comments on my last post. I bet the loafers are in shoe-heaven now..
Yesterday was an oh-so-cultural day for me. First, I went to the art museum KUMU with my sister. It was so nice to take a break from everyday life and walk trough three floors of masterpieces. And I can't believe I hadn't properly seen it's architecture from the front. It's just breathtaking. Gotta love being a tourist in my own hometown. In the evening I went to the theatre with my mom to enjoy two actors playing at least 5 roles each and almost burst into laughs on the stage.
Continuing with the animal theme from my last outfit post I decided to wear a whole flock of parrots on my skirt to go to the theatre. When I saw the skirt at an H&M in Gothenburg during our trip, I knew I had to have it. It's just the fun and impractical piece of clothing to have, that goes with pretty much nothing. Luckily I managed to come up with this combination and pair it with my slouchy black knit and feminine accessories.
Tonight I'm going to see "The Intouchables" to check out what all the fuss around this movie is about.

Veetsin eilse päeva väga kultuurselt, külastades kõigepealt KUMUt ja siis Linnateatrit. Avastasin üllatusega, et kuigi ma olen mitu korda KUMUs käinud, ei ole ma kunagi näinud seda ehitist eestpoolt. See on lihtsalt hingematvalt võimas arhtitektuur! Linnateatris käisin vaatamas etendust "Kivid sinu taskutes", kus Indrek Ojari ja Argo Aadli mängisid kahekesi kõiki rolle ja peaaegu purskasid laval naerma. 
Jätkates loomatemaatiliste riietustega, otsustasin kanda seda H&M'i papagoiseelikut. Seda nähes teadsin, et ma kindalt tahan selle osta, mis sest, et seda on päris raske millegagi kokku sobitada. Õnneks sobis see mu musta kampsuniga, lisades naiselikke aksessuaare.
Täna õhtul lähen kinno vaatama filmi "1+1", et näha miks see film nii eriline on, et seansid on 3 päeva ette välja müüdud!

skirt- h&m
sweater- s.oliver
necklace- from vintage tallinn
shoes- blink
pictures by Getter.


  1. This skirt is adorable! Love unusual prints)

  2. wow I love your skirt, it's so pretty and I really like how you've paired, simple but without being boring :)
    You should really watch 'Intouchables', I loved the movie and even talked about it on my blog! It's a must see!! :)

    Drawing Dreaming

  3. beautiful skirt! and i love your sweater :)

  4. That skirt is incredible! The black jumper and shoes really compliment the skirt and allows it to be the centre of attention :) I really love your style and I'm now following! Feel free to stop by my blog too and do the same, if you like it!

    Kisses from Ireland,

  5. That's such a fabulous outfit - you look stunning!


  6. Great outfit, I love your shoes! :]
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog.

  7. That skirt is so fab!

  8. love the sweater and necklace combo! very chic


  9. That parrot skirt is sincerely awesome. I love how fun and quirky it is and your heels are the perfect touch with that metallic accent.

  10. That skirt is amazing! Love your photos and style, do you think we could follow each other?


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)