She thinks she's made of candy

August 09, 2013

Robbie Williams- Candy

Yesterday I attended a lovely little event at a cute shop called Ateljee no. 13 to see the launch of a new Estonian-Italian clothing brand called Lowi Vi. The evening was filled with clothes so pretty and ethereal, that they felt like a dream to look at. Add some sparkling wine and girlie chats and you have yourself a pretty perfect summer night in my books!
Of course, knowing me, I'll take any chance I get to dress up and this was no exception. Despite not being a self-confessed mascot of a candy store or one of Jamie Laing's candy kittens, I picked out the most marshmallowy and bubblegum-like shades in my closet, threw on my favourite shoes and tied a ribbon in my hair, because that's what summer dressing is all about for me.

Eile õhtul käisin ühel toredal üritusel poekeses nimega Ateljee nr. 13, kus toimus uue eesti-itaalia moebrändi Lowi Vi tutvustus. Minu õhtupoolik oli täidetud muinasjutuliselt õhuliste ja pastelsete riietega, mis olid täiesti unenäolised. Lisaks pisut vahuveini ja tüdrukutega jutustamist ja minu jaoks oli see üpris ideaalne suveõhtu!
Loomulikult, teades ennast, kasutan ma iga võimalust end üles lüüa ja see kord ei olnud mingi erand. Hoolimata sellest, et ma ei ole ühegi kommipoe maskott, valisin enda kapist välja just kõige suhkruvatisema ja maasikavahusema tooniga riided, panin jalga oma lemmikkingad ja sidusin juustesse paela, sest just niimoodi meeldib mulle suvel teha!
Aitäh, Ateljee nr.13, selle toreda õhtupooliku eest!

heels- sacha london
necklace- from a vintage market
clutch- vintage
pictures by Grete Teng. 


  1. Perfect combination on your super sweet looks!
    Love your clutch and skirt!!
    Anyway, wanna follow each othe ?? Just let me know ;))

    Visit mine:

  2. wow, what a perfect outfit! I am in love with the pastel colors and how you combined them, great look!


  3. amazing look!!!!

    so lovely!



Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)