I love those summer days in the city, when after a supernlazy morning I try to do as much as humanly possible. On this particular day, after sleeping like a fairytale character and enjoying one of my famous breakfasts, Getter an I went to town to browse aimlessly in bookstores and then went for lunch at a super cute cafe at the Old Town to meet Kaisa and fill her in on the latest events. (Did I hear someone say Positivus?) After that, hit the cinema with my little sis and then a cycling workout with dad. If that isn't productive, I don't know what is.
For the outfit, I chose all of my favourite new buys for a very summer-appropriate all white outfit and mixed them with old favourites. I picked up that lace skirt at Seppälä, after not having visited the store for years and then setting my eyes on this skirt, it was a match made in heaven. I deliberated buying it for a few hours and then decided that a lace pencil skirt is "such a staple and I will wear it for years to come". The same was with the shirt and the beautiful, slightly reminiscent of the Marant Caroll sandals, which actually are the perfect summer heels by Vagabond.
Ma nii armastan neid mõnusaid suvepäevi linnas, millal pärast maailma kõige laisemat hommikut üritan ma oma päeva mahutada nii palju toredaid asju kui võimalik. Sel konkreetsel päeval magasin muinasjutuliselt kaua, nautisin ühte oma klassikalistest superhommikusöökidest ja siis veetsin Getteriga raamatupoodides sihitult aega. Lõunatasime võrratus Sinilinnus ja viisime ka Kaisa viimase aja sündmusega kurssi, siis kinotasin oma õega ja päeva lõpetas rattatrenn isaga. Kui see ei ole produktiivne, siis ma ei tea, mis on.
Oma riietuseks valisin kõik viimase aja ostud ja lisasin neile vanad head lemmikud. Leidsin selle Seppäläst, mida ma ei ole väga kaua külastanud ja pärast selle seeliku nägemist teadsin, et ilma selleta enam ei saa. Kaalusin selle ostmist paar tundi ja siis sain aru, et see on "täiuslik suveese, mis sobib kõigega ja mida ma kannan veel aastaid". Täpselt sama lugu on pluusi ja kingadega, mis väheke meenutavad kuulsaid Marant'i Carolli sandaale, aga on tegelikult ideaalsed Vagabondi suvekingad.
shirt- reserved
skirt- seppälä
bag- lindex
necklace- vintage
sunglasses- flea market
pictures by Getter M.
Hello! I came across your blog as I googled for a kind of tie and I wonder, do you know the name for this kind of tie you are wearing in this post under, or do you know where I could get a tie like that? I have been searching for it forever and would be very thankful for help :)
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Hi, great to hear from you! I don't know if the tie has a kind of name or not, but mine came with a shirt I bought ages ago... I'm quite sure that you can just go to your local fabric store a buy some ribbon and it'll do the trick.