Exactly like something so foreign

September 20, 2013

Somehow it is so important for Estonians, or in a way coded into us during those long centuries, to like everything and everyone foreign. When a tourist comes here, then almost the first thing that's asked from them is why they decided to come to Estonia. At the same time we're all very flattered that someone has found our little corner of the world. Or when Estonia is mentioned in a foreign TV show or a movie, it's almost news of the day. Really.
Yesterday I attended a very special event- it was the first ever Estonian bloggers' meet-up, which felt exactly like the ones I'm used to seeing on the big blogs from big countries. Alas, it was really happening in my humble hometown. The lovely Grete from G-Reveals and Liina from Miss Liina hosted an event at a pretty vintage store called Oh So Retro and invited a bunch of bloggers to enjoy an evening full of girlie chats and giggles. 
We are slowly starting to catch up with the rest of the world too. After all, we have H&M now, plus I'm sure that this meet-up won't be the last. Also, doesn't this cute little street kind of remind you of something you might find on a Mediterranean island? Oh, our desire to resemble something else and not enjoy what we actually have and who we are...

Eestlastele on millegipärast tohutult oluline kõik, mis on välismaine. Nagu see oleks meile kõigi nende sajandite jooksul sisse kodeeritud. Teate ju küll, et kui turist siia tuleb, siis küsitakse talt tihti esimese asjana, et miks just siia. Samal ajal oleme eriti liigutatud, et ta on leidnud tee meie väiksesse nurgakesse. Või kui kuskil suvalises telesarjas Eestit mainitakse, on see peaaegu esileheuudis.
Eile käisin ühel väga erilisel üritusel- Eesti esimesel blogijate kokkusaamisel, mis tundus just selline, nagu nähtud välismaa suurtest blogidest. Siiski toimus see minu tagasihoidlikus kodulinnas! Grete blogist G-Reveals ja Liina Miss Liina'st kutsusid grupi blogijaid imearmsasse vintage-poodi Oh So Retro, et koos veeta üks tore õhtu, täis tüdrukute jutte moest ja kõigest muust.
Ning kauaigatsetud välismaa hakkab lõpuks meieni ka jõudma! Meil on ju nüüd H&M ning ma olen kindel, et ega see ürituski viimaseks jää. Pealegi, see väike vanalinna tänav meenutab nii kangesti mõnda, mille võiks leida kuskilt Vahemereäärselt saarelt. Oh seda eestlaslikku igatsust olla nii väga teiste moodi ja suutmatust hinnata seda, mis meil on ja kes me oleme... 

dress- c/o Sugarlips
jacket- random brand
loafers- elite c/o Sarenza
hair bow- c/o Bug
pictures by Evamaria.


  1. Oeh, mulle ikkagi niiii meeldib see puust lips. Imeline aksessuaar.

  2. Are you going to post photos from the meet up... please?

  3. @Jasmine: I didn't have a camera with me, but if I manage to come across some official photos, then I'll definitely share them here too :)

  4. I don't have time or money to travel but I would love to visit countries that people don't usually go to. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are all on my list if I can hopefully make it there one day

  5. Gorgeous look, I like your shoes!(:


  6. Väga lihtne, kuid armas komplekt kokku pandud! :)

  7. your bow tie hair piece is seriously so cute! i love your outfit!

  8. very nice outfit! love your shoes :-)


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)