Boyfriend jeans, literally

September 29, 2014

On a Sunday morning, when regular jeans were just not enough, I turned to something I'd been wanting to try for quite some time. The Boyfriend Jeans. There's nothing shocking about that, I know, but I'm just not that brave when it comes to sartorial innovation. That's also why I didn't buy a pair of jeans that I might just wear a few times, but actually wore my boyfriend's jeans. He didn't seem to mind and with a pair of heels they look a lot more okay-er than I'd imagined. 

Pühapäeva hommikul, kui tavalised teksapüksid ei olnud enam piisavad, valisin hoopis midagi, mida olin pikka aega tahtnud katsetada. Poiss-sõbra Teksad. See pole mingi uus trend, aga ma ei kipu riiete osas kõige innovaatilisem olema. Sellepärast ma ka ei ostnud endale üht paari pükse, mida kannan võib-olla paar korda, vaid võtsingi püksid päriselt poiss-sõbra kapist. Tal ei olnud midagi selle vastu ja kontskingadega näevad need isegi väga okeid välja. 

jeans- jack and jones
breton shirt- h&m
scarf- kappahl
heels- seppälä
watch- casio
pictures taken with Nikon 1. 


  1. they're a really good fit on you! i used to borrow my ex boyfriend's jeans, sadly my new fella's don't fit, & i do love this look!


  2. i love the combanation, it looks so cool


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)