I fancy Stockholm !

March 21, 2010

So I went to Stockholm this weekend. I loved it ! It was spring, the sun was shining and it was warm! That's all I need to enjoy my day :) The only thing I hate about going to Stockholm is all the drunk people on the ship. But I escaped to my cabin and had a small spa day, I polished my nails . I love my mint green nail-polish and I wear it almost too often.
Well, as I said, in Stockholm we were greeted by the sun and almost 10 degrees. I totally enjoyed my trench-and-burberry-scarf-look . We went to some shops, my parents aren't the shopping-type really.. I got myself a graduation dress- finally ! It is from Vila, it's really girly and cute and it is the best of the four options I had. I even know what shoes I want, I just hope that they still sell those shoes. I saw them in Suurtüki about a year ago, or so :) I also got a white shirt from H&M, because all of my white shirts are kind of gray already. I saw a cool gray skirt, but my mom said that she's not going to buy it , but I'll get it anyway( few weeks ago I saw a gray skirt in Monton, maybe I'll get it for my b-day !! ) . I also got two postcards, they're extremely cheap in Stockhom. I'm already sending on to USA today :)
After the shopping we had a walk in the old town, which is extremely beautiful. Then we went to the King's Castle where we saw an exhibition about the armoury and clothes of the royalties. It reminded me of the Tower in London. I'll post a pic of me in Stocholm tomorrow, because I still have to use my fathers computer. But I like it, cuz it's a laptop :)
Then we went to have lunch at a place called K15. We went there the last time and it was still good. After that we had a nice long walk in springy Stockholm back to the harbour.
From the ship I got a new perfume. I'm currently using Burberry The Beat, which I really really love, but there was a great offer and I also got a Lanvin Jeanne as kind of a birthday present for me .
All in all I really love Stockholm. It has great architecture, I think it is because it is a kingdom, all kingdoms have great architecture( London !! ) , it was spring and all the people there are friendly, smiling and they dress really good, even the old people are stylish. Something the Estonians should learn from the Swedish- how to dress well. :)
And with that thought I'd end my post :)
Stockolm. The best picture I could find in Google. It really is one of my favourite cities after London and NY.
My graduation dress from Vila, only mine is beige.It has little roses on the upper part. I think that I'm going to wear it with pearl jewellery and a nice headband.
Nii, käisin sel nädalavahetusel Stocholm. Nautisin seda väga. Seal oli kevad , päike paistis ja soe oli. See on kõik mida mul on vaja, et päeva nautida! :) Ainus asi mida ma Stocholmis käimise juures vihkan on see,et laeval on väga palju purjus inimesi. Aga ma põgenesin oma kajutisse ja tegin väikese spa-päeva, lakkisin küüsi :) Ma armastan oma mündirohelist küünelakki ja ma kannan seda peaaegu liiga tihti.
Nagu ma ütlesin tervitas Stockolmis meid päike ja peaaegu 10 kraadi.Ma nautisin oma trench-ja-burberry-sall-looki väga . See sobis selle kevadise ilmaga superhästi. Käisime mõnedes poodides, kuna mu vanemad pole väga poodleja-tüüpi. Ma sain endale lõpuks lõpukleidi. See on Vilast (vt pilti üleval pool), ainult et minu oma on beez. See on hullult nunnu ja tütarlapselik, seal ülemise osa peal on väikesed roosid. Ning see kleit on parim nendest neljast variandist mis mul olid. Ma tahaksin seda kanda pärlehetega ja ilusa peavõruga. Ma isegi tean milliseid kingi ma tahan. Muidugi kui neid veel müüakse. Nägin neid umbes aasta tagasi Suurtükis. Ma sain veel H&M-st valge pluusi, kuna kõik minu valged pluusid on halliks muutunud. Nägin hästi lahedat halli seelikut ka, aga mu ema ütles et ta ei osta seda mulle, aga et ma saan selle ikkagi(paar nädalat tagasi nägin Montonis lahedat halli seelikut, äkki ma saan selle endale sünnipäevaks!!). Ma sain veel kaks postkaarti, mis on Stockholmis supersoodsad. Ühe nendest saadan täna juba USA-sse ära.
Pärast ostlemist jalutasime vanalinnas, mis on häästi ilus. Siis läksime kuningalossi, kus oli näitus kuninglikust relvastusest ja riietusest. See meenutas mulle veidi Londoni Towerit. Homme postitan pildi endast ka, kuna ma pean ikka veel oma isa arvutit kasutama. Aga mulle meeldib see, kuna see on läpakas :)
Siis käisime söömas kohas nimega K15. Käisime seal eelmisel korral ka ja see oli ikka hea . Peale seda oli tore pikk jalutuskäik kevadises Stockholmis tagasi sadamasse.
Laevast sain endale uue lõhna. Praegu kasutan Burberry The Beat'i see meeldib mulle niii väga, aga laeval oli hea pakkumine ja sain endale veel Lanvini Jeanne'i. See on nagu sünnipäevakink või nii.
Kokkuvõtteks mulle väga meeldib Stockholm. Seal on ilus arhitektuur, ma arvan et see on selle pärast et see on kuningriik. Kõigis kuningriikides on ilus arhitektuur( London!!). Seal oli kevad ja kõik inimesed olid väga sõbralikud, naeratasid kogu aeg ja olid väga hästi riides, isegi vanad inimesed olid stiilsed. See on miski, mida eestlased peaksid rootslastelt õppima- kuidas hästi riietuda.
Selle mõttega lõpetaksin oma sissekande. :)

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