Tourist history

February 22, 2014

Two Door Cinema Club - Come Back Home

Right after I got off the plane from Dublin, I hopped on a bus to Tallinn and then to Tartu, spent a bit more than 24 hours there and off I was again. This time on the bus to Tallinn to take the ferry to Stockholm. As I mentioned, I was going to see Bombay Bicycle Club, but during the day we were the perfect tourists: walked around town, got lost, found two amazing cafes, almost visited the art museum and took lots of pictures.
My outfit for the day? As comfortable and warm as can be, grabbing some new items I bought from Dublin, like this super soft plaid shirt and tourist-friendly flat boots and combining them with this winter's (and all-time) favourites - skinny black jeans and that warm parka. 
The backdrop for these pictures is simply ideal, so is the light and the city of Stockholm. It keeps getting prettier every time I go there...

Kohe pärast Dublini lennukilt maha tulemist istusin Tallinna bussi peale, siis sõitsin Tartusse, olin seal pisut üle 24 tunni ja asusin uuesti teele. Seekord bussiga Tallinnasse, et minna Rootsi laeva peale. Mainisin ka, et käisin Stockholmis Bombay Bicycle Clubi kontserdil, aga päeval olime kõige standardsemad turistid: kõndisime vanalinnas, eksisime ära, leidisme kaks lahedat kohvikut, peaaegu käisime kunstimuuseumis ja tegime palju pilte. 
Minu riietus nendeks päevadeks oli nii mugav ja soe kui võimalik. Haarasin mõned uued Dublinist ostetud asjad nagu see mõnus ruuduline pluus ja turistisõbralikud madalad saapad ning kombineerisin need enda selle talve (ja üleüldiste) lemmikutega: kitsad mustad teksad ja mõnus soe parka. 
Nende piltide taust on lihtsalt võrratu, valgus on imeline ja Stockholm ka. See linn läheb iga korraga aina ilusamaks...

jeans- monki
parka- c/o new yorker
boots- from penney's 
pictures taken with Nikon 1. 

1 comment :

  1. You look adorable and you have beautiful smile! (:


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