Cramming your clothes into your closet, your mother/boyfriend nagging about every new thing you buy and when you finally decide to throw out all those unworn things you only manage to let go of a few garments. Sounds familiar? It also sounds like something you don't want to do. How about if you get your friends together and throw a "Sex and the City" style clothes swapping brunch instead?
That's exactly what we did last Saturday and it was so much more fun than stuffing old clothes into binbags! Clearing out my closet felt so much easier to do when I knew that the things I'm giving away are going to get a great life after me. There was also some sparkling wine and the cutest cupcakes (Thank you for that, Lotta!) to make the brunch last well until dinner time!
Surud riideid kappi, ema/poiss-sõber kirub iga uut ostu ja üritab sulle aru pähe rääkida ja kui lõpuks otsustad kappi koristama hakata, siis suudad tegelikult lahti lasta vaid mõnest üksikust asjast. Kõlab tuttavalt? Kõlab ka nii, et keegi väga ei taha seda teha. Aga kui hoopis kutsuda sõbrad brunchile ja see kapikoristamine "Seks ja linna" stiilis üheskoos ette võtta?
Just seda me eelmisel laupäeval tegime ja võin kinnitada, et see oli palju lõbusam kui raske südamega riiete prügikotti toppimine. Saime sõbranna korteris kokku (kuna minu oma pole piisavalt fotogeeniline, #bloggerproblems), riputasime riided kapinuppude külge üles ja siis hakkasime üksteise võidu asju proovima ja hindu peaaegu et üle pakkuma. Kapi koristamine oli nii palju lihtsam, kui teadsin, et pärast mind saavad need asjad veel parema elu. Loomulikult oli asjasse segatud veidi vahuveini ja imearmsad koogikesed (Aitäh selle eest, Lotta!) nii et brunch kestis kogemata õhtusöögiajani välja.
Amazing idea!! :)
I love swapping, that's how I get almost all my clothes. Do that twice a month in events and it's great. Wish it was more popular around the world
ReplyDeleteThose cupcakes! *__*
ReplyDeleteI want them. Now!
And wow! That's really a wonderful idea.
Great post! the cupcakes look so cute! i want to eat them. =p
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Tom and Tins BLOG
this is wonderful :)
What a lovely party! The pastries and decor look lovely and you look really cute too <3
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Lol, funny about getting nagged over the things you buy!
ReplyDeleteThe Latest. Beauty & Colour
such a fabulous and fancy idea to say goodbye to your clothes (while saying hello to new ones too!)
ReplyDeleteAnimated Confessions
Mul on samasugune üritus plaanis. Küll aga nii, et sorteerin asjad juba välja :) Oled ka kutsutud :)
ReplyDeleteJeje, vahva!
DeleteJeje, vahva!
DeleteThis is such a great idea, definitely more fun then just getting rid of them!
ReplyDeleteThe Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog
Amazing idea....that food looks so yummy!
ReplyDeleteP.S Thanks a lot for your lovely comments on my post is now live ;-)