Teen Vogue Best Dressed Reader

March 03, 2012

Imagine my happiness last night, when I ventured to the Best Dressed Reader of the Day site on Teen Vogue and found my picture there. It was a perfect ending to my Friday and it came as a complete surprise!
To see the full outfit post click here!

Eilne õhtu leidis väga toreda lõpu, kui ma otsustasin korraks külastada Teen Vogue Reader of the Day lehekülge ja leidsin sealt enda pildi ! Mul ei olnud sellest mingit aimugi ning see oli tõepoolest vahva üllatus, millega reede õhtut lõpetada.
Et tervet postitust selle outfiti kohta näha, vajutage siia !


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)