Dreams, dreams..

May 04, 2012

Firstly, I'm sorry for the lack of (outfit)posts lately. School's just been so busy lately that I barely have free time. Also, my best friend, who usually takes my photos, has been away in Sweden for a week. 
Lately, I've been dreaming of cool satchel bags and wonderful pastel coloured shoulder bags, so I decided to put some of my favourite online shop ones into a collage . They all look so cool, equally edgy and feminine and if I had to choose between them, I simply couldn't. What's your favourite one ?

p.s. I'm now on Pinterest, follow me at BowtieDiary !

1. Mint metal bar envelope clutch (here)
2. Straw plaiting red satchel (here)
3. Contrast satchel (here)
4. Elegant faux leather handbag (here)
5. Contrast plaited shoulder bag (here)
6. Rivet shoulder bag (here)

Blogipidamine on viimasel ajal veidi soiku jäänud, kuna koolis on kevadel alati väga kiire ja tundub nagu vaba aega ei jääkski. Sellele lisaks on mu isiklik fotograaf (parim sõber) juba nädal aega Rootsis veetnud.
Viimasel ajal unistan nii palju suvest ja sellega koos ka imelistest pastelsetest kottidest. Otsustasin teiega jagada mõninagid oma internetipoodidest leitud lemmikuid. Millised teile kõige rohkem meeldivad?

clothing wholesalers


  1. amazing choices!they are all so great.i love the green and the pink one.they are all super cute.

  2. minu lemmik on teine, kuid kõik on armsad :)

  3. if you want a smart one then go for the first one, if you want a practical one go for 5, and if you want an edgy one then 3!

  4. i love these handbags! so amaze :)



  5. Great selection
    Wanna buy everything


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)