Vintage Tallinn

May 07, 2012

This Saturday I went to a lovely event with my sister. It's called Vintage Tallinn and is basically a huge flea-market full of vintage goods. Although it was crowded and quite expensive, I still had a good time. I bought myself a beautiful necklace (the ones who follow me on twitter, might have already seen it) and my sister got an autograph from her favourite actress.
For the occasion I decided to wear my newest vintage buy, which is this lovely lilac blouse. It's so silky and so incredibly pretty and not to mention pastel ! I also wore my lace shorts from Oasap again. They're a bit dramatic, being all short and full of lace.. The ring I'm wearing is also from Oasap. I don't know, how well you can see it from the picture (made by my sister !!), but it's actually a little mouse wrapped around my finger. It's such a cute and comfy everyday ring and it goes with pretty much everything.

Laupäeval külastasin oma õega sellist üritust nagu Vintage Tallinn. Ma polnud seal veel varem käinud ja otsustasin, et sel korral pean minema. Kes ei tea, siis põhimõtteliselt on tegu suure... laadaga, kus erinevad vintage-poed ja muud huvilised saavad müüa/osta vahvaid riideid, ehteid ja kõike muudki. Ma leidsin endale imeilusa kaleakee, mida võib-olla on mõned mu twitteris juba näinud. Ja mu õde sai Elina Pähklimäelt autogrammi ja oli selle üle terve päeva väga õnnelik .
Otsustasin kanda oma viimast vintage-ostu, milleks on see imeline helelilla pluus. Minu veidike dramaatilised pitspüksid on Oasapist ja samast poest on pärit ka mu sõrmus. Piltidelt võib-olla ei ole hästi aru saada, aga see sõrmus on tegelikult pisike hiireke, mis on ümber mu sõrme. See on tõesti tohutult armas ja mugav igapäevaehe.

blouse- vintage
hat- lindex
loafers- vintage
bag- diy
necklace- expressions

wholesale vintage clothing


  1. such a lovely outfit,I love the skirt,the shirt,the canvas bag..just everything is perfect :)

  2. Your short is adorable !

    We like your blog , take a look at our blog called Pretty Tiny Things and we can follow each other if you don't mind !

    Keep bloging X

    Emily from Pretty Tiny Things

  3. perfect vintageoutfit! lovelove!

  4. amazing outfit!love the shorts!

  5. Those shorts are so cute! Love them :)


  6. This is such an adorable outfit!! Great find on the shirt!


  7. Lovely post and very inspiring blog! Please check my blog too, maybe we can be followers


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)