Day trip to Helsinki

June 10, 2012

Two Door Cinema Club- Come Back Home
(been listening my old favourites lately, listened to this band a lot last spring..)

As I told you in my previous post, I visited Helsinki on Thursday with Getter and Kaisa. I think that our main idea was just to enjoy the city and the fact that it's summer and that school's over. We visited a flea market, the contemporary art museum Kiasma (which was oh-so-cool) and of course went shopping. At the end of the day, I arrived home with sore feet, shopping bags and a smile on my face. Going abroad, even if for just a day, was exactly what I needed.
If you're wondering what I bought myself, then I can tell you that you'll definitely see my buys in the upcoming posts, but I got two shirts, a shoulder bag, a bracelet and this ear-cuff.
The vest I'm wearing was bought at the flea market from Helsinki, but it's actually Getter's. We both liked it and couldn't decide which of us should get it, so we both paid for half of it and decided at the end of the day, that the vest is hers. But she kindly let me wear it for the pictures. I'm also wearing the ear-cuff I got. Also, since the pictures are taken on the ship when we came back and it was incredibly windy, then my hair is in a funky top-bun. Altogether, this is a pretty basic, but very comfortable outfit for a day of shopping (I was also wearing a sweater and the parka, but you'll see that outfit some other time).
Hope you all had a relaxing weekend!

Käisin neljapäeval sõpsidega Soomes. Meil tegelikult mingit täiesti kindlat tegutsemisplaani polnud, kuid lõpuks käisime Kiasmas, ühel kirbuturul ja šoppamas. Päeva lõpuks olin muidugi kogu sellest kõndimisest tohutult väsinud, aga õnnelik sellegipoolest. Selline väike välisreis oli täpselt see, mida vajasin.
Soomest ostsin endale mõned pluusid, ühe armsa koti, käevõru ja ear-cuffi.
Selle vesti ostsime Getteriga kahepeale Helsingi kirbuturult. Kuna meile mõlemale see väga meeldis ja me ei suutnud otsustada, kumb selle endale peaks saama, siis maksime pooleks ja päeva lõpuks jäi vest siiski Getterile. Aga ta lubas mul lahkelt seda piltidel kanda. Muidugi pidin kohe kasutusele võtma ka oma uue ear-cuffi ja käevõru. Tegelikult olin ma palju soojemalt riides, kuna suvi pole end ju veel ilmutanud.
Loodetavasti oli teil kõigil tore nädalavahetus ja nautisite jalgpalli !! :)

 top- pta
jeans- thrifted
vest- zara (flea market)
loafers- vintage
silver bracelet- vintage
rope bracelet- h&m
ear-cuff- h&m
bag- birthday present
 pictures by Getter.


  1. kindly let you? More like insisted.

  2. aresome vest. really. great flea market find. big heart.

  3. Great look, I love the vintage shorts :D you looks beautiful.



Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)