Baltika spring/summer 2013 collections

February 03, 2013

I spent last Wednesday at the Baltika headquarters, where I was kindly invited by Ivo Nikkolo to have a first look on all of Baltika's five brands' new collection. It was my first real experience as a fashion blogger, to sit in the crowd and patiently wait for the next outfits to come out on the catwalk. The night was amazing, well-organized and so full of gorgeous eye-candy. Seeing these wonderful collections in the middle of winter gave us all hope, that somewhere, in the bright future, there's spring waiting for us. 
Veetsin eelmise kolmapäeva õhtu Baltika kvartalis, kuhu mind oli Ivo Nikkolo poolt kutsutud, et võtta uhkelt vastu Baltika viie brändi kevad-suvised kollektsioonid. See oli mu esimene kogemus blogijana päris moeshowl olla, istuda publikus ja kannatlikult järgmisi kostüüme oodata. Kogu õhtu oli imeline, võrratult hästi korraldatud ja pungil kauneid riideid. Nende kollektsioonide nägemine keset pimedat talve andis vist meile kõigile lootust, et kuskil kaugel on kevad ootamas.

The first one to show was Monton, which is probably Baltika's most famous brand, having shops also in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. I must say that the first pieces to appear on the catwalk already left me speechless. The whole collection was oh-so-feminine, with a big inspiration from the sixties. Every time that I walk into a Monton store I secretly wish that I could buy everything they have on sale and this time, seeing the new season's pieces, I wished for the same thing. And yes, it just happened that three of my favourite outfits were on the same model..
Esimesena tuli lavale Baltika ilmselt kõige kuulsama võsukese, Montoni kollektsioon. Juba esimesed kostüümid jätsid mind täiesti sõnatuks. Kogu kollektsioon oli üdini naiselik ja armas ja väga tugevalt mõjutatud kuuekümnendatest. Iga kord kui ma Montoni poodi sisse astun, tekib mul tunne, et ma tahaksin kogu poe ära osta ning nüüd, nähes uue kollektsiooni riideid, tekkis mulle jälle seesama tuttav tunne. Ning jah, lihtsalt kogemata juhtus, et kolm mu lemmikriietust olid ühe ja sama modelli seljas.

Bastion is a brand whose target group are the career-oriented and powerful women and this time, they took real-life inspiration from some of Estonia's most influential women and asked them to be models for their show. I loved the idea and of course I really liked the clothes too. I was positively surprised at how fun the clothes were, the safari-vibed fabrics really stole my heart.
Bastion on vist kõigile teada-tuntud kui konservatiivsete karjääärinaiste bränd. Seekord otsustasid nad Eesti nimekamaid naisi hoopis oma show's modellina kasutada, mis oli tõeliselt tore idee. Mind tegelikult üllatas, kui põnevad nende riided on ja et Bastion vist tegelikult ei olegi nii stereotüüpne. Näiteks see esimene pitsiline komplekt on täiesti võrratu ja ka ülejäänud safarimõjutustega kollektsioon köitis mind väga.

Mosaic also kept things very fun and colourful, which is the only way to go in summer. The florals were very beautifully mixed with classic pieces. What I liked most about their collection, were the bags- neutral-coloured with a neon trim- so chic! The masculine part of the collection was also very relaxed and casual, but very put-together at the same time. I love a bit of colour in menswear and that's exactly what Mosaic did.
Ka Mosaic ei saanud üle ega ümber värvilistest ja vahvatest riietest, kuid samas, see on ka ainus viis, kuidas suvel hakkama saada. Lillelised asjad olid väga mõnusalt kokku pandud lihtsamate ja klassikalisemate riietega. Kõige enam meeldisid mulle Mosaici kotid, need neutraalsed kotid neoonvärviliste äärtega olid tõesti lahedad. Ka nende meestepool jälgis sama joont- lihtne, läbimõeldud ja vahvalt värviline.

I had already seen Ivo Nikkolo's collection, but it looked completely different on the catwalk! It really showed versatility at its best. Again- what a difference the right accessory can make, just look at the bag, necklace or the cool belts! And that structured pair of pink trousers really needs to find its way to my wardrobe, best, if accompanied by that blue blazer!
Olin Ivo Nikkolo kollektsiooni varem juba näinud, aga laval tundus kõik siiski väga uudne ja hoopis teistsugune. Mitmekülgsus ei ole neile võõras! Ja jälle- kui suurt rolli mängib just see õige aksessuaar, heaks näiteks on see kott, kaelakee või need vinged vööd. Ning need roosakad püksid peaksid otsemaid leidma tee minu riidekappi, parem veel, kui koos selle sinise pintsakuga!

I was so impressed with Baltman's collection, there's definitely a very respectable menswear designer on the Estonian fashion scene. The suits were all so daring, but kind of relaxed at the same time. The plaid was all very Sheldon-Cooper-inspired and I absolutely loved it. If only there were more men who would want to wear such colourful and attention-grabbing clothes in my little part of the world..
Baltmani kollektsioon jättis mulle vist suurima mulje, Eesti moemaastikul on kindlalt kanda kinnitanud üks väga hea meestemoe disainer. Ülikonnad olid väga väljakutsuvad, aga samas ka omamoodi lihtsad ja loomulikud. Kõik need ruudulised asjad olid väga sheldoncooperlikud, mis on ka loomulikult vahva. Kui vaid Eestis oleks rohkem mehi, kes sellised värvilisi ja pilkupüüdvaid riideid kanda tahaks..

I hope you enjoyed this recap of my first ever real fashion show experience. I really want to thank the Ivo Nikkolo team for inviting me.
Loodetavasti teile meeldis see kokkuvõte minu esimesest päris-moeshow kogemusest. Siinkohal tahaksin tänada Ivo Nikkolo tiimi, et nad mind sellisele toredale õhtule kutsusid.

 all pictures by me!


  1. Love the fact that pastels and bird tropical print are back! Great photos :)


  2. Oh wow these designs are lovely. That mint dress in the middle top photo is stunning. Glad you enjoyed your first show, I was blown away at mine, got a taste for it :) x

  3. awesome post :) I love these outfits so much, high fashion is amazing <3 want to follow each other? i followed you :)
    <3 cloeanne

  4. I love that coat! x


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)