Accidental bargain hunt

October 04, 2013

I don't always post about my shopping, but when I do, it's because I want to brag about the bargain. Last weekend, I had some time until my bus, so I popped in to Seppälä. Turned out, they had a huge sale and all that's pictured below was under 15 euros. In total. That's right- two pairs of shoes, the prettiest headband and a metallic clutch for the price of 5 lattes.

Ma ei postita just eriti tihti pilte asjadest, mis ma olen ostnud, aga täna tahtsin seda teha lihtsalt uhkustamise pärast. Eelmisel nädalavahetusel oli mul Tallinnas bussini aega ja mõtlesin, et hüppan Sikupilli Seppäläst läbi. Tuli välja, et neil oli meeletu allahindlus ja kõik, mis allpool piltidel näha on, maksis alla 15 euro. Kokku. Kaks paari kingi, imeilus peavõru ja metalne kott 5 kohvi hinna eest. 

 shoes, headband and clutch from seppälä


  1. love details photos! great job!

  2. haha you totally have the right to brag about your bargains, those are some amazing finds!!
    Ester @ Drawing Dreaming


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)