Flashback to winter

March 09, 2012

These pictures were actually taken as test-shots to the previous outfit, but I thought that, hey, they might just as well work as an independent outfit. This is pretty much what I've worn throughout the whole winter. I bought the coat for colder days in autumn, but it stayed with me through the whole winter season also. The only thing that changed, was the layer on sweaters underneath. I'm secretly hoping that I won't have to wear it a lot anymore, because I really can't wait for real spring and everything that goes with it !
Also, did you notice, that the outfit is kind of similar to this one ? Hope you don't mind the casual-dressing-me for a change.

Need pildid on tegelikult tehtud proovidena eelmisele postitusele, aga ma mõtlesin, et need töötavad eraldiseisva outfitina ka hästi. Ostsin selle mantli sügisel külmemateks ilmadeks, aga see on truult minuga veetnud terve talve. Loodetavasti tuleb kevad peagi ning saan selle mantli puhkusele saata. Muide, see meenutab väga seda positust, loodetavasti te ei pane pahaks mu täielikku igapäevariietust.

This picture was taken on Valentine's day, when me and my friend Ats Kristjan accidentally discovered, that we're wearing a really similar outfit. And then , throughout the week, it continued. Thus began our couple's dressing joke.

Järgmine pilt on tehtud sõbrapäeval. Nimelt avastasime, et mul ja mu sõbral Ats Kristjanil on peaaegu samasugused riided seljas ning see jätkus läbi terve nädala.

 coat - h&m
scarf- self made
hat- h&m
boots- tamaris
bag-jouni exclusive
(the red bag is Getter's)
pictures by Getter.


  1. oh how beautiful!!!!
    lovely coat and booties.great pics too.

  2. Sul on küll väike kirjaviga alguse eestikeelses, kuid see on väga nunnu ja tegelikult ka ju rõõmsameelne välimus. :)

  3. Todella hyvä kirjoitus, kiitti!
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Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)