I remember, about a year and a half ago, I got my first leather jacket and posted about it [here]. It seemed so surreal to me that I would have something made of leather. I've always been the preppy girlie girl, I can't turn into a badass so suddenly, I remember thinking.
Then some time ago my mother suggested that I should buy a new one, merely for practical reasons like warmth. The other is is quite flimsy, to be honest, so one day I went shopping with my dad (look at my family dynamics, taking fashion advice from mom and going shopping with dad) and we settled on this oversized "Danny from Grease"-esque jacket from New Yorker.
Might as well become a full on leather babe now. If Sandy could, then so can I.
Mäletan, et umbes poolteist aastat tagasi sain oma esimese nahktagi ja tegin selle kohta postituse [siin]. Mulle tundus see alguses nii kohatu, et mina kannan midagi, mis on nahast. Ma olen ju alati olnud see naiselik seelikute ja kleitidega tüdruk, kuidas ma saan äkki mingiks karmiks tšikiks muutuda, mõtlesin veel.
Ja nüüd, natuke aega tagasi soovitas mu ema mul uue tagi muretseda. Peamiselt selle pärast, et eelmine on päris "tirpka" (teate ju, mida see tähendab!) ja pole soe ega midagi. Siis ühel päeval läksingi isaga šoppama ja üheskoos otsustasime, et see natuke suurema lõikega jakk New Yorkerist on kõige parem, hoolimata sellest, et mul esimese asjana Danny filmist "Grease" meelde tuli.
Samas, kui Sandy võis nii ootamatult badass beibeks muutuda, siis võin mina ka.
jacket- new yorker
dress- c/o fashion union
bracelet- lindex
Adorable photos, I love your dress. :)
I love the dress!