Darkness, deepness

October 22, 2013

It doesn't happen every day than an Estonian blogger and young photographer decide to get together and shoot a few pictures, so Anete and I decided to make the most of our time together. The first bit is [here], if you've been spending your time doing something else than reading this blog and haven't seen them yet. My second set of photos taken with the talented Anete Palmik is before your eyes now.
We found this pathway surrounded by big trees full of colourful leaves and equally as many autumnal leaves on the ground. To contrast the overly colourful setting, my outfit was all black- a simple shift dress with a sheer blouse underneath, black heels. That's all. 
It all came together with a slight "sixties doll in a horrormovie" vibe, but I like it when pictures turn out quite unexpected and different from what you originally thought. 

Eestis ei juhtu just tihti, et üks blogija ja noor andekas fotograaf kokku saavad ja pilte teevad, seega kasutasime Anetega koos veedetud aega väga otstarbekalt. Esimene komplekt pilte on [siin], kui olete vahepeal tegelenud millegi muu, kui selle blogi lugemisega ja ei ole neid veel näinud. Teised pildid rulluvad teie silme ees lahti allpool.
Leidsime selle toreda jalgraja, mille kohale kaardusid kõrged sügisvärvides puud ning ka maad katsid värviliste vahtralehtede kuhjad. Et kogu sellele värvilisusele kontrasti luua, valisime riietuseks üleni musta ja üdini lihtsa komplekti- pihikkleit, selle all läbikumavate varrukatega pluus ja mustad kingad. Kõik. 
Kõik kokku tuli omamoodi "60ndate nukuke õudusfilmis" meeleoluga, aga mulle meeldib, kui pildid hakkavad oma elu elama ja tulevad välja hoopis teistsugused, kui alguses planeeritud. 

shirt- serious sally from A&G Extra
heels- seppälä
pictures by Anete Palmik


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)