A look back on 2012

December 30, 2012

As last year, I decided to take a moment and put together a post with my favourite looks from each season. Looking at them now, I realise, that they're all just a constant reuse of my favourite pieces- black jeans, burgundy skirt, (pearl) collared shirt(s) and beige coats. You can be sure, that I will be taking all of these to the new year with me to wear them proudly in 2013 too. Also I seem to have developed a serious addiction with burgundy, which is not disappearing any time soon either.
I also want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of your nice comments and for following my little blog, because without you guys, blogging wouldn't be half as fun. I hope you are happy with how this year turned out for you and let's make a kick-ass 2013 together!

Nagu eelmiselgi aastal, otsustasin kokku panna väikese tagasivaatava postituse. Valisin iga aastaaja kohta oma lemmikoutfitid, mida vaadates avastasin paar põnevat asja. Esiteks, piltidel figureerivad samad esemed- mustad teksad, beežid mantlid, punane sametseelik ja kraega pluus(id). Samas, võite kindlad olla, et ma võtan kõik need asjad endaga uude aastasse kaasa, et neid siis rõõmsalt edasi kanda. Samuti on mul tekkinud väga suur kiindumus tumepunasesse värvi, mis ei ole ka kuskile kadumas. 
Loomulikult tahan ma tänada teid kõiki iga toreda kommentaari ja iga uue followeri eest, sest ilma teieta ei oleks blogimine pooltki nii lõbus. Loodetavasti täitis 2012 kõik teie ootused, teeme koos veel lahedama 2013e! 

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  1. So fun to look back on all of your outfits this year! I really enjoy your blog. =)

  2. Gorgeous images :) You love red! Just like I do! www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)