Spring in my step

April 12, 2013

As you might now, flats are the new heels for this spring, and lately, I've stumbled upon so many beautiful flats for spring that I just couldn't leave the shop without. I have two new pairs of oxfords, one round toe and one super spiky, one in matte leather, one in patent leather. I need to justify buying two pairs somehow, so I keep finding differences between them. I also found the cutest pair of black-and-white flats at a thrift store in Tartu, they have such a cute 60s vibe which resembles the Louis Vuitton spring collection so much. Then there are my tweed flats from last autumn. And last, but not least, these burgundy loafers. They're a total grandma shoe, but I love them so much. Now, all that's left to do, is wait for the weather to catch up. Snow and new shoes don't go together very well...
Which pair do you like the most? 

Võib-olla olete kuulnud, et madalad kingad on sel kevadel täielikult kontsaga kingi välja tõrjumas. Viimasel ajal olen nii paljude lahedate madalate kingade otsa komistanud, et ise ka ei usu ja nii olengi nelja uue paari võrra rikkamaks saanud. Mul on kahed nööridega kingad, ühed lakknahast, teised mitte, ühed terava ninaga, teised ümaraga. Pean ju ometi endale kuidagi kahe sarnase paari ostmist õigustama ja seega ma otsingi pidevalt nende kahe vahel erinevusi. Tartust leidsin veel need imelised must-valged kuuekümnendate hõnguga kingakesed, mis meenutavad mulle väga Louis Vuittoni kevadkollektsiooni. Siis on veel eelmise sügise tviidkingad. Ja viimaseks- mu uued tumepunased loafersid. Need on tõelised vanaemakingad, aga mulle nii väge meeldivad. Nüüd jääb järele ainult oodata kuni ilm järele jõuab, sest lumi ja uued kingad ei sobi just väga hästi kokku. 
Milline paar teile kõige rohkem meeldib?

left to right: elite, vintage, latinas, blink, vintage


  1. your shoes!!! *.*


  2. The ones on the right of the picture are my favourites, both pairs. And every day is a flats day for me :P


Thank you for all of your sweet comments! :)